Cry of the Wolf

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Third Person's POV

We start in the Great Unknown where a wolf pack are seen fighting a test pod and destroy.

*Meanwhile at the Robotnik's command center*

Snively reads a printout "Oh, my. This is serious" Snively "Hmmm..." Robotnik said "Excuse me, Sir" Snively said "Doomsday. Even the name has a poetic ring. Don't you think, Snively?" Robotnik asks "Very poetic, Sir, but..." Snively said "It won't be long now, Snively, when we will see my poetry in motion. Doomsday will finish the job I started during the coup. Before... before that miserable hedgehog and that miserable wolf came along!" Robotnik said "Yes, Sir, but..." Snively said "Sometimes my brilliance amazes even me. Don't you agree, Snively?" Robotnik said "Oh yes Sir, but..." Snively said "But what?" Robotnik asks "The Wolf Pack, Sir. They've sabotaged the test pod" Snively said "They what?!" Robotnik asks " Here, Sir. Read it for yourself" Snively said "I thought we eliminated those miserable beasts. I only need ONE miserable wolf in my life to destroy. Put up the surveillance tape" Robotnik said and the monitor shows a replay of the wolves attacking the pod "What's the damage?!" Robotnik asks "Minimal, Sir. Engineering says it can be back online in six hours" Snively said "Then get out there, Snively, and make it happen!"  Robotnik said "Yes, sir" Snively said "Oh boy, I'd like to get your nose in a vice someday" Snively mumbles "Stop grumbling and find me those wolves!" Robotnik said.

*Back at the Great Unknown*

"Yo, Nicole. Is this it?" Brody asks "Magnifying, my main Brody. Information on Great Unknown is limited. Area relatively uncharted" Nicole said "Nicole, please display the King's Freedom Fighter list" Sally said "I am too boring with this journey. It is taking too awfully longer if I ask me" Antoine said yawning "Well, nobody's asking you, Ant" Sonic said "We can't set up a Freedom Fighters network unless we find them first, Tony" Dulcy said "Nicole, magnify Freedom Fighter groups located in the Great Unknown" Sally said "The only group located in this area is the Wolf Pack, Sally" Nicole said "Displ-" Sally said "You said a wolf pack?! Tell me about them Nicole" Brody said "They're an ancient culture with a remarkable respect for nature. Following Robotnik's takeover, they remained loyal to the King and were consequently driven off their land" Nicole said "So where do we find them, Nicole?" Sonic asks "Their home base is twenty-one point three kilometers south-southeast of the Great Canyon. There are five possible routes" Nicole said "Cool! Which one is the shortest?" Brody asks "In English" Sonic said "Go straight, hang a left, then a right" Nicole said "Brody and I'll scout ahead. What do you think, Sally?" Sonic asks "Well, I think we should..." Sally said "Ciao!" Brody said running off and Sonic follows him "...all stay together!" Sally finished "Thanks for asking!" She said sarcastically.

Sonic and Brody reach a lake of bubbling muck "Man. There goes the neighborhood. Phew!" Brody said "I smell Ro-butt-nik. Later!" Sonic said as he and Brody run off, but they get struck by lightning in their tails making the two yelp "Outta here!" Sonic and Brody said as they continue running while avoid getting struck by more lightning bolts "Man, We are gonna re-name this place "The Great Ugly"" Sonic said "Sonic! Brody!" Sally said as she and Antoine were flying on Dulcy "D'oh, man!" Brody said as he and Sonic start waving their hands to signal them to stop "Going down" Dulcy said "Oh, I am hating this part too much" Antoine said and the group screams as Dulcy descends and slides on the floor "Dulce! Stop! Stop!" Sonic and Brody said and they grunt grabbing Dulcy's tail to make her stop before she reached the lightning area "What is happened? What is happened?" Antoine asks "It's okay, Antoine" Sally said and hops off Dulcy "Sonic, Brody, what's wrong?" She asks "Another two feet and you guys would have been nuked!" Brody said "What do you mean "nuked"?" Dulcy asks "Check this" Sonic said and tosses a rock, which is quickly zapped by lightning "Are you kidding me?" Dulcy asks "Yo! Does this look like We're kidding? We've got to find another route, Sally" Brody said "Nicole, plot alternate route to the Wolf Pack base" Sally said "There are four remaining alternate routes, Sally" Nicole said "Give us the next shortest one, without the lightning" Sonic said.

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