Sonic Brody and the Secret Scrolls

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Third Person's POV

Brody is dashing along in a clearing. Ahead of him, he sees Bunnie and Taild trying to flag him down. In a panic and Brody screeches to a halt "whoa! What's up guys?" Brody asks "We have a suprise for you, Brody" Tails said walking over to Brody and covers his eyes with a handkerchief.

"Cool! I love suprises" Brody said "That's good cause this one's gonna put you right up on cloud nine, sugar-wolf" Bunnie said and giggles as Tails helps lead the blindfolded Brody away

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"Cool! I love suprises" Brody said "That's good cause this one's gonna put you right up on cloud nine, sugar-wolf" Bunnie said and giggles as Tails helps lead the blindfolded Brody away.

*At the Great Forest*

"Are we there yet? I hate going this slow. Boring!" Brody said getting impatient "Almost there, Sugar" Bunnie said as they pass through a long bush "We're here Brody" Tails saif "So what's the big suprise?" Brody asks and Tails takes off the handkerchief "Ta-da!" The Freedom Fighters said as Brody sees Sonic, Sally, Rotor and Antoine near a large propeller plane and Sonic walks over to Brody "What do you think hun?" Sonic asks "Where'd that come from?" Brody asks "We built it from scratch" Rotor said as Brody takes a closer look "Brody, isn't it past cool?" Tails asks "Yes, yes, way past cruel" Antoine said while Brody was still suprised at the sight of the plane "We call it the Freedom Stormer" Sally said "Huh? It's.... really great" Brody said "We're flying it to Maga to look for the Secret Scrolls" Sally said and Brody scratches his head "What's a 'Maga'?" Brody asks "Beats me" Sonic said leaning on Brody "It's an ancient hidden deep in the Great Mountains" Sally said "So, um what's a secret scroll again?" Sonic asks "My father told me the scrolls had great powers, but that no one has been able to find them" Sally said "Sure that's why they're called 'secret' scrolls" Brody said "Well I think we can find them" Sally said "And you're gonna fly there in that air jalopy?" Sonic asks as Sally takes out Nicole "You can only see Maga from the air... and it's not a jalopy" Sally said "Nicole boot up the map of Maga" she said and Nicole emits a spherical holographic display showing the great mountains with a red dot on one of the central mountains "This is Maga. I really researched this and found these markers. They'll lead us straight to the temple where the scrolls are" Sally said but Brody was still unconvinced "Plan won't fly, Sal" Brody said "Yes it will" Sally said "No way" Sonic said "It will!" Sally said "Won't" Brody said Will!" Sally said "Won't!" Sonic and Brody said "Stop it you two and give me one good reason" Sally said "Because you'll be a sitting duck for the Stealth Bombers" Brody said "We can fly at night" Sally said "Robotnik's radar will pick you up in a Sonic second" Sonic said the two frustrating Sally "We can fly low, under the radar" Sally said "We don't like it. We are not going and neither should you" Brody and Sonic said "Sonic, Brody, we can use the scrolls' power against Robotnik. We are going. With or without you two" Sally said frustrating the duo "Okay okay we'llgo" Brody said "But Brody and I will use the ol' ground transportation. We'll follow you" Sonic said and Sally rolls her eyes.

*Later at Night*

"Right rudder" Rotor said making it move "Check" Sally said "Left rudder" Rotor said making it move "Check" Sally said while Antoine looks around nervously "Antoine, tell me the truth, are you all afraid of flyig?" Bunnie asks "Moi?" Antoine asks "Uh, I am a-scared of abso-toot-ly not one thing" he lies poorly. Outside the plane Brody gives Rotor a thumbs up "Turns us loose, Brody!" Rotor said "Roger" Brody said and runs to a nearby tree, which has a rope tied to it and Brody unties it and then removes the blocks holding the wheels and the plane starts to take off.

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