Brody's Nightmare

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Third Person's POV

We start with Brody running through a deserted field "Brody, where were you and Sonic when the brains were handed out?" Sally is heard asking causing Brody to skid to a halt "Huh, Sally?" Brody asks as Sonic is inside a cave on the other end of a collapsing bridge. A swatbot comes behind him and grabs him while another is lugging a portable roboticizer "HEY!" Sonic said as Robotnik arrives and grins "Hang in, Sonic! Here comes the wolf!" Brody said and a storm hits "Ah man!" He said as he runs but suddenly slows down getting stuck on mud "Mega muck!" Brody said and grunts trying to escape "This is starting to tick me off! Auugh! I'm coming, Sonic.... AAAUUGGHH!" Brody said breaking free and tumbles forward to the beginning of the bridge and starts to run across it "BRODY! WHERE WERE YOU WHEN THE BRAINS WERE HANDED OUT?!" A roboticized Sonic said as the bridge collapses "AAAAAAAaaaaahhh!" Brody screamed as he fell.

Brody gasps waking up and sits up on the bed panting "Brody?" Sonic asks sleepy, it turned out to be a nightmare "Are you okay?" Sonic asks sitting up "Y-yeah, just a wild dream that's all" Brody said.

*The next day*

The sky is broght and Rotor is sitting at a table and Brody walks up to him "Yo, Rote, what's up?" Brody asks "Same ol', same ol', Brody. How 'bout you?" Rotor asks and Brody takes a seat "I had a WILD dream this morning. You know anything about dreams?" Brody asks "Not much... Sally told me once that there usually about some kind of personal fear" Rotor said "Hmmm....." Brody said looking down when Sally walks in "Guys, Nicole just intercepted one of Robotnik's transmissions!" Sally said putting Nicole on the table "I know it's not good news..." Sonic said walking in and sits next to Brody "No, its terrible news! Listen to this!" Sally said and presses a button "Nicole, replay intercepted transmission" Sally said "Replaying Sally" Nicole said "Attention, swatbot unit 1, prepare chemical payload for cloud seeding. Rendezvous with cloud burster on Island of Nimbus, precisely 1200 hours. Coordinates to follow" Robotnik said on recording "That's all of it" Sally said "He's gonna seed clouds with chemicals?" Rotor asks "Toxic rain" Sally said and Brody walks to railing and looks over Knothole "What's a little more toxic rain?" Brody asks "Yeah, all of Mobius is fuming with the stuff!" Sonic said "I bet it's another one of Robotnik's crummy traps" Rotor said "You're probably right, Rotor. But we don't know for sure. If that island is inhabitated, we need to warn people!" Sally said "Well, that's no prob. But what about dustin' Buttnik's acid rain?" Brody asks and Sally grins amdtaps her head "I have the old plan..." Sally said.


Sonic, Brody, Sally, Bunnie and Antoine walk up to Rtors workshop. They all walk upto a small little shed with Rotor by side of the door "Stand back guys! This could be ugly..." Rotor saif and opens it up and a wave of mechanical junk engulfs him before he can get away "Oh my stars! And I thought my closet was a mess..." Bunnie said and Rotor pops out the top and searches for something "Yo Rote! We're waiting..." Sonic and Brody said "Oh, I know they're in here someplace.... Ah-HA! Here's one!" Rotor said pulling out a swatbot torso "Uh-how many swatbots suits are you having Rotor?" Antoine asks "Three. One for Sally. One for Bunnie and one for you" Rotor said giving Sally, Bunnie and Antoine the suits and Sally tries it on "Well, do I look like a swatbot?" Sally asks as Tails wanders in and gasps "Help! Swatbot! I'm juicing!" Tails said and runs off and Sonic grins "Naaaw! Not even close, Sally" Sonic said.

*Later at the side of a mountain*

There's a giant eight-wheeled beast hauling what looks like a missile the shape of a blimp roars by. The three show up at the top of the mountain in their swatbot costumes "Stars alive! Would you look at the size of that ugly ol' thing?" Bunnie asks "That must be the cloud burster!" Sally said and they hear a clink8ng noise and look behind them. Antoines quaking in his boots. One of the two grabs his legs to stop the noise "Just relax, Antoine" Bunnie said "Uh.... oui oui. I am chilling" Antoine said "Ready, Bunnie?" Sally asks "Always ready, sugar" Bunnie said "Do it!" Sally said and Bunnie activates a mechanical hand grenade and lunges it in front of the vehicle, obstructing its path with smoke "swatbot team 1, see what that smoke is about!" Snively said and four swatbots leave the vehicle  "They're in the smoke, let's go!" Sally said and the three get to a hatch on top the vehicle and Sally starts using Nicole. A swatbot ended up finding out as Anoine blew their cover and they bring them to Snively.

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