Drood Henge

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Third Person's POV

We start on a rainy night in Robotropolis "Come on, Dulcy" Uncle Chuck said and Dulcy flyes over with Sally on her back "Goin' down, Sally!" Dulcy said descending "Whoa!" Sally said "Come on... straighten it out" Markus said "Hold on, Sally!" Dulcy said "Don't worry" Sally said "Whoa!" Dulcy and Sally said as Dulcy crashes on a pile of junk "Sorry" Dulcy said and the rain stops "Not too shabby. You okay, Sally? Sally?" Dulcy and Sally groans "If you don't count my stomach" Sally said "Are you girls all right?" Markus asks "We're fine, Mr. Markus" Dulcy said "Thanks for getting here so fast" Uncle Chuck said "What's wrong?" Sally asks "It's all on here" Markus said giving her a disk and she plays it on Nicole a recording of Snively "We're very close to finding the first Drood Henge scroll, Sir. Yes, Sir" Snively said "Who's he talking to?" Dulcy asks "Robotnik. We could only record one side of the conversation" Uncle Chuck said "Yes, Sir. We will continue the search" Snively said "Drood Henge. There's something familiar about that name" Sally said "It was a royal family secret" Markus said "R-Really? But I was never told" Sally said "You were only five when Robotnik took over. It concerns the legendary Deep Power Stones, capable of incredible power or incredible destruction" Uncle Chuck said "Nicole, access information on Drood Henge" Sally said "Access denied, Sally. Time encoded lockout" Nicole said "Your father inserted many programs into Nicole. Some are time-locked until you come of age" Uncle Chuck said "But that's 2 years from now. In the meantime, we've gotta find this "Drood Henge"" Sally said "Before Robotnik does. The idea of that fiend having such awesome power..." Markus said.

*Meanwhile at Robotnik's Command Center*

Robotnik laughs "Hmm..." He said as he examines the pages of a book when Snively calls via hologram "Oh, good news, Sir! I've found the first scroll" Snively said "Excellent, Snively. Keep searching. I've nearly translated their language" Robotnik said "Yes, Sir" Snively said "Input this data" Robotnik said.

*Meanwhile at the Hot Springs*

Sonic, Brody and Tails were chilling in a hot spring "Well, Big Guy, is this cool or is this cool?" Sonic asks "Way, way past, Sonic" Tails said "You, Sonic and me Tails. This is our secret place" Brody said "Cool!" Tails said happy "But ya gotta be careful around here" Brody said and picks up a rock "Check this" Sonic said as Brody tosses the rock, which hits with a "boom" a green cloud "Whoa. That's awesome" Tails said when a large airship flies over them and Tails gasps "Wow! That thing's huge" Tails said "One of Robuttnik's freighters. Let's check it out" Sonic and Brody said.

*At a cliff*

Tails, Brody and Sonic are watching Robotnik's robots "What is it, Sonic and Brody?" Tails asks "They're lookin' for somethin'" Brody said and Tails looks behind them and tugs on Brody's arm "Brody!" Tails said and Brody and Sonic look seeing a surveillance orb "Man, I hate those orb-heads" Sonic said "No problem-o. I gotta plan" Tails said jumping down "Yo, Tails! What plan?" Brody asks as he and Sonic jump after him and Tails pulls a tree branch back and lets it go and it knocks the surveillance orb  away "Bullseye!" Tails said "That was cool, Big Guy" Sonic said "But next time you have a plan, check with us first. Teamwork is a big part of being a Freedom Fighter" Brody said "Okay, Brody. Uh oh!" Tails said as the surveillance orb was still active and Brody picks it up "Still ticking" Sonic said "Hmm. Sal said it's...it's the red one" Tails said "Way to go, Tails" Sonic and Brody said.

*At the same time at Robotnik's Dig Site, Control Center*

"Orb surveillance malfunction, sector 4. Swat-Bot patrol, check and report" Snively said "Affirmative. On route" a swatbot.

*Back at the Hot Springs, cliff*

"Looks like they found something" Sonic said "Sonic and I are goin' in for a close-up. Wait here" Brody said "Brody, Sonic, I wanna go too" Tails said "Sorry, Big Guy. Duo time"Sonic said "Why can't I go?" Tails asks "Too dangerous down there. Hey, Freedom Fighters always follow orders right?" Brody asks "Right" Tails said "Cool. Outta here!" Sonic said as he and Brody run down the cliff and they see a swatbot bring a box form the dig site "Hmm. Wonder what's in that box" Brody said while Tails sees swatbots approaching Sonic and Brody from behind and gasps "Sonic! Brody! Oh, no... Sonic, Brody look out!" Tails said flying and the duo looks back seeing a airship grab Tails "Sonic! Brody!" Tails said "Tails!" Sonic and Brody said trying to run after him "Sonic! Brody! Help!" Tails said.

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