Harmonic Sonic and Brody

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Third Person's POV

We start in Robotropolis with Robotnik and Snively "Five... four... three.... two... one... Ignition" the computer said "It's a go, Doctor. The spy ship is being boosted to flight altitude" Snively said "My Sky Spy, Snively. A magnificent sight don't you think?" Robotnik asks "Affirmative, Sir. Magnificent" Snively said "If the hedgehog and wolf only knew what was in store for them.... it warms my metallic heart" Robotnik said.

*Meanwhile at Knothole*

A loud thud can be heard making Sonic and Brody wake up "What the heck was that?" Sonic said getting off Brody "Let's go see" Brody said getting up and they left.

Everyone got where the rocket landed and Tails was about to touch it but Rotor pulls him back "Careful, Tails. Still hot" Rotor said "What is that old thing?" Bunnie asks "It's a rocket booster" Sally said "Definitely a Robuttnik war toy" Brody said "He's up to another one of his evil schemes" Sally said "Sally! Look up there!" Tails said pointing up "Is that some kikd of satellite or what?" Bunnie asks "Nah, it's too low for a satellite, Bunnie. I bet it's some kind of spy ship" Sally said.

*Later at Rotor's Workshop*

Rotor looks through a telescope "Yeah. You were right on, Sally. It's loaded with all kinds of sensors. Definitely a spy ship" Rotor said letting Sonic and then Brody look at it "We're gonna have to trash it" Sonic said "But how? It is way up there and we are way down here" Antoine said "I can pick up its signals on my CompuRadio" Sally said "Maybe we can do something with the old rocket booster" Brody said.

*Back at the Booster Crash Site*

"We're ready, Rote" Sonic and Brody said "Go for warp guys!" Rotor said "Piece of cake" Sonic said as he and Brody take out their power rings "Juice time!" Brody said as he and Sonic run super fast on treadmills powering up the rocket booster "We are cooking now, baby!" Sonic and Brody said "Supercharge city, Sonic and Brody!" Rotor said and the duo stopped "Cool!" Sonic and Brody said high fiving with Rotor "Yeah man, Vrrrooooom!" Sonic said "We're out of here" Brody said.

*Meanwhile at Robotnik's Command Center*

"Sky spy sensors are sending new data, Sir. We've picked up some electromagnetic radiation coming from the Great Forest" Snively said "This may be it, Snively. Launch a Stealth Bot" Robotnik said "Yes sir" Snively said "Now, we will find Knothole. Oh, this is good!" Robotnik said.

*Back at CompuRadio*

"Robotnik...Knothole is...is.. hedgehog... wolf..." a scrambled robotic voice said on the radio "Listen. There" Sally said adjusting the voice "What kind of tongue is speaking those funny things, eh?" Antoine asks "Nicole, apply voice descrambler" Sally said "Descrambler online, Sally" Nicole said "It says... Message from Sky Spy to Robotnik. Sensors probing for location of Knothole... Sky Spy! Robotnik is spying on us!" Sally said and Antoine gasps "Here's some more... Sky Spy sensors now guiding Stealth Bot into the Great Forest" Sally said and sounds the alarm.

*Meeting Table in Knothole*

"I have bad news. Robotnik's spy sensors are zeroing in on Knothole. A stealth bot is on its way. Got any ideas?" Sally asks and Brody and Sonic exchange glances with Rotor.

*Later Outside Knothole*

Sonic and Brody were running on the treadmill using the power rings "Cool, Sonic and Brody. It's juiced" Rotor said and sonic and Brody stand next to Rotor "Here it comes. It's locked onto our energy field" Rotor said "Time to eat your lunch, Stealth Bot" Brody said as the stealth bot fires at them as Rotor activates the energy field "Let's juice, guys" Sonic said  as they run away as the Stealth bot crashed into the lake after getting hit "Way to go!" Brody said as they high five "Scratch one Stealth bot" Sonic said.

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