Chapter 5

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I woke up alone in bed. There was a note from James saying that he's cleaning the garage. The garage was full of boxes and all kinds of stuff. I was happy that he was finally cleaning it out, I smile. I turn over to see the alarm clock, it read 10 a.m. I immediately got out of bed, through on a pair of work jeans and a t-shirt. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to make coffee.

On the counter was a large iced frappe mocha with a note. The note said I love you, with X's and O's at the end. I grabbed the mocha and took a sip, it tastes like heaven. I went outside to the garage and saw James was moving boxes out of it with Zack. I came over to James and gave him a big kiss.

"Thanks for the frappe babe," I said sipping on it again.

"Anything for you angel," he said and took my frappe out of my hand and kiss me, then gave me back my mocha. Zack then came out of nowhere and grab me. I screamed and James looked in raged.

"Zack let her go," James said with his fist balled up at his sides. "Dude let her go,"James repeated when Zack just laughed at James first threat. And this time James pried me free from Zacks hold.

"You know I was just playing," Zack said obviously mad.

"Dude she's pregnant," James yelled at Zack with me safely in his arms. James was so ticked off that he was shaking. Zack's eyes were now filled with regret.

"Oh Violet," he said to me than looked at James, "James, dude I'm sorry, if only I would have known, James I'm so sorry," Zack said, he obviously was sorry so I pride myself free from James arm and took two steps to Zack.

"I know you're sorry and only if you would have known, that you wouldn't have done it," I said to Zack and gave him a smile. "Besides I'm not that fragile, and I forgive you," I said and gave him a big hug then stepped back to James side. He wasn't happy with Zack, but he felt better that I wasn't hurt. It was just a little past noon so I decided it was time for lunch.

"James I'm going to make lunch," I said to James and kiss him. "Zack you an say if you like," I said as I walked through the garage door, and walk to the kitchen. I decided to make cold cut sandwiches, James favorite. When I got done with making the sandwiches I place them on a platter and headed through the garage door.

Then I heard a faint noise that was coming from behind a couple of boxes. I set down the platter of sandwiches and investigated. I picked up a box and behind it was a tiny black and white kitten, it looks like a little tuxedo kitten, with its white tiped paws and white belly. Oh and his white nose and neck too. I picked up the tiny kitten then grab the platter and headed to the boys. James grabed the kitten and decided to keep him. James named him Gizmo, a cute name for such a cute and tiny little kitten. As we ate our sandwiches, we all playlist what a very happy and hungry little Gizmo.

I gave Gizmo some of my lunch meat off my sandwich and he stated to eat it. Gizmo then jumped upon my lap and started purring, five minutes later he fell asleep. When we got done eating, James and I went shopping for Gizmo, Zack went home to check on his dragon Maybelline. James drove to Petsmart with me and Gizmo in the passenger seat. When we got to Petsmart we got gizmo of blue caller with diamonds on it and a little blue bell. We also got Gizmo a cat bed, a litter box, kitty litter, cat food and water bowl, cat food and cat toys, lots of them.

Gizmo was so tired that he fell asleep on my lap the whole way home. Today was an interesting day, we found Gizmo and I still have to get used to the idea of becoming a mother, with the baby on its way. I already love this baby, because it's mine, and no one's going to take it from me, I thought as I place my hand on my stomach, no one.

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Pic is of Gizmo :-)

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