Chapter 12.

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xNatalie x

I sat inside my dad's office on the couch.His office was huge. There was a huge desk with 3 different computers, and my dad had a guitar on the wall. It was signed by achually by each of the boys when they first met my dad. He was working in the studio on a bunch of paper work, and I sat quietly alone. I really didn't have the mood to care about not even being a room by myself. I sat there on my iPhone and looked at photos of me and Zayn. I really wish I haden't said yes to Drake. If I haden't , this would have never had happened. And now I have to face school with him on Monday.

I sighed. All of a sudden the photo switched to me and Courtney. I look at it with a blank face. It was because of her that I didn't tell Zayn the truth...It was all her idea bout the stupid plan that made me wanna keep working with him.

Just then I realized something that just jumped into my head. Wait a minute...This wasen't her fault. I mean, I didn't force her to make me not wanna tell Zayn..I just didn't wanna tell him. That was my fault. I was just so mad , I didn't really take time to realize that she just wanted to help. Why haden't I realzied this all along? And now she dosen't even live with us anymore. I had to fix this.

I look up and see my dad at his desk working as hard as ever. I put my phone down on the glass table and sighed fixing my shirt.

"Hey Dad?" I ask. He looked up from his papers.


"I need some advice." I admit.

He looks at me curiousley and puts his pen down and leaned back into his chair. "Sure honey,What's on your mind?" He calls patting the chair next to him. I chuckle and sit next to him.

"Well.. I kinda messed things up with me and Courtney-"

"Uh oh, girl drama" My dad groaned. I raised an eyebrow and he started to laugh.

"Dad! Im being serious!"

He tryed to stop laughing. "I-I'm sorry honey, alright, what happend?" He asks.

I sighed. He was the only one I had left. Zayn sure wasn't an option either.

"It's kind of a long story" I mumble.

He sighs and looks at his watch and he smirks. "You're my daughter, You have all the time in the world for me" He smiles.

I smiled.

"Well it all started at school-"


x Demi x

The boys and I all gathered around the living room. They all had worried glances on their faces.

"Boys, I brought you all here because I have everything ready for your new looks for tomorrow" I say smiling.

The boys all look at eahcother nervousley.

"But I thought you said you woulden't have it ready till' Monday morning?" Liam asks.

The boys all mumble and nod.

I smirk. "Well, If we're going to hide your identites , it's going to take mroe than just one morning, we need a secret disguise so that girls can't chase you and crowd you." I explain.

"I knew this was gonna hurt us!!!" Louis cried. "It won't hurt us will it?" Zayn asks nervousley.

I look at them in shock.

"No it won't! I'm just bringing in a couple of makup artists to change up your looks! It's Harmless!" I explained.

The boys all look at eachother and sigh and smile in relief.

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