Welcome to the 1st, How Strong are Ya?(Chapter 10)

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A/N: LET'S GOOOO!!!! I AIN'T DEAD YET! But I should probably catch up on my homework.

Leonard Burns is seen walking through the church towards 3 men.

"Lieutenant Priest"

"Third-Generation Pyrokinetic"

"Huo Yan Li"

The man was wearing a fedora with his uniform.

"Lieutenant Priest"

"Third-Generation Pyrokinetic"

"Rekka Hoshimiya"

The man had star shaped irises, for his ambition.

"Lieutenant Priest"

"Second-Generation Pyrokinetic"

"Karim Flam"

The person had blue hair as he wears his headphones.

As Leonard Burns reaches his destination, they start having a conversation about what happened the other night.

Huo Yan Li: Seems like the 8th and 5th, had a joint-training session.

Karim: Quite the cover story.

Leonard Burns: It sounds like Obi is finally making his move.

He smirks.


"To grill, Is to pick one's skill against the fury of the flames!"

Takehisa is making kebabs at a alarming rate as he makes it perfectly.

A mascot tries to do the same thing and follow through, but end up catching the stove on fire, he grabs the fire extinguisher and disappointingly said "Latom" before putting it out.

Meanwhile, Maki is creating her Mini- Sputters on the stove.

5th Angels Three: Ooh.

Iris: Ooh!

Arthur quickly slices the mini-sputters.



Maki: Hey! It's Sputters! Why are you doing this?!

Arthur: The Lieutenant said if you try to play with fire, my duty is to snuff it out!

Maki: We're here to enjoy ourselves! 

Arthur: Oh Yeah? You ape?


You sit down near the docks with the Ocelot as you look at the sea.

Ocelot: So, heard you defeated our Captain.

Y/N: Not me, it's Shinra over there.

You point your head in the direction as Shinra is being fed food from Hibana.

Ocelot: How'd he do it?

Y/N: Well, We managed to find her weak spot and exposed it.

Ocelot: Our Captain has a weak spot?

You nod.

Y/N: Everyone does. Just because someone looks perfect doesn't mean they have a weak spot.

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