Chapter 16.

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The barking atmosphere of guilt and awkwardness, which Lucy had caused, was enough to disturb the silence in the library for Janet. Janet ignored it even so, and continued with the book she was reading as she escaped to her own world where people loved her for who she was, where her and her sister lived a happy life with other people who never caused trouble. Lucy was still cringing with guilt, her pencil hovering in her hand inches away from the paper as she lost herself in deep thought.

"Sorry." Lucy apologized again. Janet looked up and put her book down. "I'm always the one to strike first." Lucy continued, "everything's going to change now because of me.... I... I've done something wrong Jan."

Janet closed her book and put it on the table and sighed, "it's not your fault you don't know how to control it." Janet said softly. "Just control your anger, it should be the same way."

"It's happening all over again." Lucy mumbled.

"This time you know what to do. We won't go after him, from now on, he's gone like him."

"And to think I thought he would be different."

"Different people get neglected like us Lucy, if not, then they're no different from other skanks."

Perfect timing for Samuel to appear behind Lucy, his voice terrified yet eased her in the same time. "Hey." Samuel said nervously, "I-I'm so sorry to come right now, I know it's not a great time, I'm just so confused and I want some questions answered."

Lucy didn't meet his eyes and resumed to drawing; she left this up to Janet to take care of. Janet looked up at him and waited for him to continue.

"How did you let that flame do that today?" Samuel asked, his voice desperate for an answer.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Janet said casually, frowning at him.

Samuel sighed, "please, I know you know what I'm talking about."

"Sam, you've been acting weird lately. What did the flame do? I don't understand."

Samuel grew frustrated, "I started arguing with you and then suddenly the flame rose and told me to shut up."

Janet giggled followed by Lucy. Samuel frowned in confusion. "You're insane!" Janet called, still laughing, "a flame told you to shut up? You should probably listen."

"You're just playing with me so I could leave you alone."

"I'd love to do that, but I know what I saw, and I just answered your question... truthfully."

Samuel slammed his hand on the table, causing the pencil to fly out of Lucy's hand and land on the floor, "Don't make me feel like I'm crazy because I'm not! The only person that's crazy is you!" Samuel roared, the library had never been this silent as eyes glued on them.

"That's it." The librarian said to Samuel, "get out."

Samuel glared at Janet and Janet looked back at him, a grin still visible on her face. The librarian pulled Samuel gently out of the library; he didn't take his gaze off of her until the library door closed on him. Lucy looked at Janet and they burst out laughing quietly yet hysterically.

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