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"Go! Go now!" a man with emerald green eyes looked intently on his 7 year-old son.

"I—I won't leave you!" the little boy stammered, his matching green eyes brimming with tears.

The little town just outside the great Earth Nation city, Ba Sing Se, was being attacked by outlaws mysteriously in the dead of night. There only hope was not fight them off, they were too skilled and powerful for any match of the townspeople. They had to force them to leave.

"It will be okay," a woman placed her hand on her son's cheek, smiling weakly at him.

"Go now, while you have the chance." the father quickly said with a determined look in his face.

The boy didn't respond, he inched his away to the backdoor of the house, giving one last look at his loving parents having no idea what was to happen.

"Don't look back!" the mother cried.

The boy finally turned away and ran as fast as his legs could carry them. Away from the outlaws, away from his town, away from his parents.

The boy did the only thing anyone would do, he looked back. His eyes growing as large as plates.

The town was smothered in red flames hungrily eating up anything in its path. Homes were falling to the ground in defeat. Shops were wrecked. There was non-stop screaming from every direction. The smell of smoke was building up as fast as lightning. The air tasted of death and blood. Nothing would be saved from this night.


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