Welcome to Ba Sing Se

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"We'll make it to Ba Sing Se by early tomorrow morning." A woman with long black hair reports.

"Thanks Asami, I guess we rest up." Korra responds.

Go to sleep? When I have this whole place I haven't even explored yet? Ha, no chance of that.

I stand by Bolin and Jinora. Bolin turns to me, "what do you say I show you where you room is?"

"Sure, why not?" I say.

He walks in front messing around with his pet, Pabu. A red raccoon ferret.
We walk down a long hallway. A high ceiling reaching way over our heads. Crystal chandeliers line the hallways. The walls covered in a rich green.

This place is niiiice!

We reach the end of hallway and Bolin opens the door to the biggest room a guy like me could have.

"Here you are." He smiles down at me.
"Thanks, so big and roomy!" I walked around the room taking in all the cool stuff. The room looks like everywhere else on the ship. Gold lining and green walls the color of grass.

"Well, I gotta go and feed Pabu," Bolin solutes and walks off.

I'm all by myself.

I rub my hands together breathing the apple scented air.

Where to go first?

I spend the next hour looking anywhere and everywhere. I got so interested in a random closet with disabled weapons, I lost track of time.

Crap, they probably started dinner already!

Right on cue, my stomach rumbles. I forgot to eat breakfast with the air show distracting the whole city. I start to look for the dining area.

I'm not going to lie, this is a large place, I'm probably going to end up lost.
25 minutes later, still haven't found it.
Man, why did I have to go so far away?
Should've at least left a bread pathway or something.

I shake my head as I keep looking.
I turn the corner and bump right into Jinora. Our foreheads bonk.

"Aaa!" Jinora falls to the floor.

"Geez, you okay?" I lend my hand to her.
She hesitantly takes it. Her small hand fitting perfectly in mine.

"Yeah, I think so." She rubs her forehead. "Ouch!" A small bruise already beginning to form.

"Oo, here, let's go find Tenzin for some ice." I start to lead the way even though I have no idea where I'm going.

"Wait, no!" She squeaks.

I turn, eyebrows raised.

She sighs, "My dad will just get all freaked out and fret over me. Please, we'll find some on our own, I know where the kitchen is."

"Wait, he's your dad?" My jaw drops.
She smiles shyly, tucking her hair again. "Yeah..."

"Wow, you must be really good at air-bending then!"

She finds interest in the floor, "I guess."
I smile, shaking my head, "Well, you're probably way better than me for sure." Her eyes finally meet mine, they're pretty, sparkling hazel.

"So where's the kitchen?" I ask as we head down the long hall.

"I'll show you, come on." She gestures.

Later that night, I finally make it back to my room, falling asleep as soon my body touches the bed.
I started a new life, a brand new...ZZZZ....

The next morning I wake up early. I wake up in the coziest bed. Wish I could stay here. I get up and head out the door. I find the door to look out over the railing in the outside world.

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