Battle Up

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I'm sleeping peacefully in my room, dreaming of the time I stole that whole cake from the bakery. Good times.

When all the sudden, I shoot up in my bed. I hear nothing, but the air is unsettled, I can sense the intensity in the air.

Something happened.

It's still dark out, but the dawn of the morning is about to break. I stumble to my feet, my feet leading to Jinora's room automatically.


I look up to see Jinora, still in her nightwear standing at the other end of the hallway, the hallway leading to my room.

"What's happening?" I question.

"You know that tall guy with the scar in his eyebrow?"


"Well, turns out he's the bad guy after Korra that happens to have air-bending now, he shaved his head so no one would recognize him." She said in one breath.

"How do we know it was him?"
"He was messing around with stuff in my dad's office, my Aunt Kya discovered him and figured it out. He got away."

"So what are you doing up?" I ask.

"Nothing really, my dad is frantic, and was just checking to make sure everyone was okay."

"So what are you doing here?"

"I don't know, I just..." She was hesitating. I already knew the answer. I'm just curious of what she's going to say.

But then again, I was heading to her room too...

"It's okay, I was actually heading to your room too." I admit.

"Really?" She says a little too excited. "I mean...oh." She blushes furiously.
I smile at her.

We stand there awkwardly for a few seconds, our eyes focusing on anything but each other.

I break the silence, "So I guess we go back to bed?"

"Yeah, I guess so." She tucks her hair behind her ear.

Man, why do I get the shivers every time she does that?

It's true though. Every time she does...anything, a shivers spark all over my body, from my head to my toes. But I'm not sure why.

She walks past me heading to her room, "Goodnight Kai."

There goes those shivers again.

"Goodnight Jinora."


The next morning, air nomad life goes like normal, but everyone can sense Master Tenzin's unsettled nerves. His lessons are longer and he is definitely on edge. More than usual.

Usually if I make a mistake he will get very strict and go on and on about how bad it was for 30 years, but now, he goes on for a million years. He tells us how important it is to train and be ready for anything at any moment.

And we all know exactly what he's talking about.

The guy with the scar, I find out his name is Zaheer. He and his three other crazy people have been after Korra since she was discovered to be the Avatar. Man, imagine being hunted down your whole life. I wouldn't know.

After today's lesson, which ends later than usual. Jinora and I sit in our usual spot on the wall overlooking the valley where the bison live.

"I wonder what's going to happen." Jinora says.

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