New Skills New Thrills

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The next couple months, I practice and experiment with my new air bending. The whooshing sensation happens over and over again until it feels completely normal. I practice jabbing my hands to make small rushes of air. I practice whipping my arms across my body, allowing huge amounts of air to escape. I jump and twist in the air doing my hands and feet at the same time.

After a while, I finally have a feel for it. I feel like this air-bending thing, it will be staying for good.

The next day, the sun shines brightly down on the city. People seem extra excited today, as if something different and exciting was going to happen. I lug my hidden bag of gold and riches that I've stolen way before the air-bending event. I'm excited today too. Finally having my air-bending controlled.
I stroll around town. Looking for a bite to eat to start off the day. I stop at a noodle shop and take in the smell of different herbs mixing together to smell amazing.

Just as I open the rickety door, I see people walking quickly to the other end of the town just by the rocky cliff. I let go of the door, my hunger can wait.
I blend with the other townspeople trying to see what was happening.
A massive air ship with gold and green lining, glittering in the sun is docked at the cliff's edge. People I have never seen before are standing by the ship.

" I think they're doing a show!" A teenage girl talks loudly to another girl.
I weave my way closer to the front.

"Come one, come all!" A loud male's voice talks through a megaphone. I stand on tip-toe to see.

A stocky boy with broad shoulders and black hair with a happy smile waves his hands around gathering people to watch.

"You know him as the son of Avatar Aang! This man shaves his head every single day. He is a master in air bending! TENZIN!"

A tall man with blue arrows lining his body steps out whipping his cape off. His brown beard covers his mouth. He runs and rides on circle of air circling his body around the people. The air whipping hats off with it. The people step back completely amazed.
"Oooooo!" The people shriek in delight.

"Now has anyone seen a fire-bender with a red scarf anywhere by any chance?" The guy with the megaphone asks.

"There he is!" A little girl points.
I look over and see a tall man with a red scarf. He has the same black hair with no sign of happiness on his face. He steps out in front of the crowd.

"It is me, the firebender, watch out." He sounds like this is the stupidest thing he has ever done. He punches a fist in the air allowing a small fire to form.

"Aaaaaaa!" The townspeople look excited.

"Don't you fear, I will take him out with my air-bending skills!" A woman with brown hair pulled into a ponytail with the clothes of the water-tribe steps out and with super fancy moves, that I could only dream of picks up the fire-bender in a whirlpool of air. Her hands circling faster and faster with a humorous grin on her face.

I laugh. I want to do that too.
She eventually puts the fire-bender down.

The oldest man of the group steps out showing his simple skills of air-bending .

"And look what can be achieved in just a few lessons!" The man calls excitedly twisting his long curly black mustache.

All the sudden, a girl who looks about my age, appears in an orange and yellow jumpsuit flies high in the sky on an orange glider landing safely on a pillar smiling brightly at the crowd.
The crowd goes wild, clapping their hands and cooing.

I smile and clap my hands also. So there are more air-benders.

The man with the mustache quiets the crowd down, "If you are an air-bender, or know someone who is, send them this way. Master Tenzin and Avatar Korra would love to teach them everything they know!"

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