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I have no sense of time in The Hole. But I'm guessing I was put in about 6 pm and then Jinora visited me at like 10 pm, but who knows how close I am with that.

Man, why did I run away? I was supposed to turn another leaf and become a whole new person. Not go to a new place and steal again.

I rub my eyes in frustration.
I wonder what Jinora thinks of me?" I thought with regret. She probably thinks I'm a total dummy for running off like that. Even though she said it was fine, she probably hates my guts.
I sigh again.

I close my eyes and fall into a sleepless sleep.

My eyes sprung open, I hear a little bit of noise coming from outside the cell door. Almost like...running.

I creep up to the door and listen as best I could. The sound fades away, like nothing happened. I crawl back hopelessly back to the door. I stay awake after that, I'm guessing its super early in the morning.

My legs and hands are still sore and I have difficulty standing up without wincing. I sit down on the ground waiting for something to happen.
Jinora said they would be here soon, I wonder what's taking th—.

My cell door swings open with a crash into the wall.

I stand up immediately facing the two tall figures glaring down at me, but they weren't the Dai Li Agents, they were Mako and Bolin.

And they were not happy to see me.
But I was distracted right as Jinora shows up.

"Kai!" She squeezes through the doorway and runs over to me giving me a hug around the neck. She smells of flowers.

And she did the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. (This one beats the cake event.)

She gives me a kiss on the cheek.
All the butterflies erupted in my stomach skyrocketing in all directions throughout my body.

I couldn't help myself, I blushed a dark red and smiled hugely at her.

She looks down at the ground tucking her hair behind her ear smiling, clearly pleased with herself, her cheeks the same shade of red.

Bolin coos over us, completely forgetting about being angry, "Ooo, Tenzin is not going to be happy about this!"

Mako responds still irritated, "then don't tell him."

"How can I not? This is too juicy to pass up!" Bolin's hands holding his face in excitement.

Jinora takes action, "Come on, we should probably go." She heads out the door.

Mako and Bolin make no intention of moving. I know what they're after.

I look down truly ashamed, "I'm sorry I ran away, and got you stuck in that train." I look up at them and remember based off their unchanged faces. "And I'm also sorry for stealing your wallets."

One second. Two seconds.

Bolin breaks the silence, "Awww, we can't stay mad at him forever." He leans down and gives me a hug.

"Yes we can! Mako protested, arms folded across his chest. "I had a lot of money in that wallet."

He heads out the door anyway, and I follow, grateful to be done with that.
We turn the corner and I see Jinora frozen in place looking forward.

Three Dai Li Agents are waiting for us, like predators patiently waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce.

"Deserting the Queen's army results in high treason," they take their stances.


They shoot their gloves of dirt at us. Mako and Bolin immediately react and work together to crush them.

It's like watching a great performance. Bolin's earth-bending and Mako's fire-bending, they know exactly what to do and what the other person is going to do.

It's amazing.

Jinora and I stand there helplessly watching the show. A Dai Li Agent shoots yet another dirt hand, Mako and Bolin easily avoid it, but the hand was aiming for someone else. The followed hand wraps its fingers around Jinora's shirt and pulls her through the air right to the Dai Li's free hand.

She gropes for the back, trying to escape, but with no use. Her face scrunched up in pain. Her eyes look over and lock with mine, they beg for help.

Something stirs in my gut, anger and the sudden change in how I feel about Jinora.

I don't know what it is, but I need to protect her, no matter what the cost.

I lunge and land in front of Bolin and Mako and swipe my arm across the whole length of the hallway, the air knocking them against the metal walls knocking two of them unconscious. I repeat the move again, and he let's go of Jinora and knocks his head hard on the ground.

She lands softly and looks down at him.
I come to her side and look too.

"I guess I am better than I thought.
We head up the hallway and do our best to try and get out. We take lefts and rights, ups and downs, and go straight on forever.

Until we find the way out, the door wide open.

Mako carefully walks over and pokes his head out checking both ways, he waves us on.

We all walk out, and Bolin looks up back at the building, and he yells, "Run!!!!"

I look behind my shoulder and I see a scary sight. 12 or more Dai Li Agents start sending spikes of hard rock and metal at our feet.

I sprint as hard as I can, raising my feet off the ground hoping the spikes won't nail me in the legs.

"We need help!!" Bolin bellow.

The ship they came here on just flies overhead, and a flying bison floats speedily in our direction with Korra flying it, and Tenzin by her side.

"Hang on!" Bolin cries. He earth-bends the ground beneath us that shoots us to the sky, where we land safely on the bison's back.

I peer over and see all the Dai Li Agents heading back into their prison entryway.

"That was awesome!" I say, still amazed at what just happened.


For a little while, we wait and sit in on the bison as it gently flies through the air, the wind whistling in my ears. It is now early morning with the yellow ball of fire peaking over allowing the skies to change into beautiful colors. The air smells of nothing. Nothing good. Nothing bad. Just air.

Eventually the bison are led down to a deserted area for them to rest for a little while. We still have a long ways to go.

Master Tenzin gathers all of the rescued air-benders and they all sit around him.

He clears his throat, "As you all know, you are free now. No one can control you, you can take your own path." He pauses. "You can either leave here and journey on in your individual paths, or you may come with me to Air Temple Island and train as nomads and and learn the ways of the air-benders."
He waits. No one says anything. So far I'm the only one who will be going to Air Temple Island.

One man stands up.

It's the guy I saved from the disk that I was punished for.

"I would like to go with you." He smiles slightly.

Another man stand up, "I would to go too."

Another man, two women. And in fact, the whole group decides to come.
Master Tenzin's eyes are filled with tears, but not with anger or fear, but with pure joy. There hasn't been barely any air-benders for the last 200 years. The air nation will be united and built up once again.

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