The Day in the Life of an Air-bender

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We made it.

I'm here at the famous Air Temple Island, the place where it all happens.
I can become who I am destined to be, an air-bender.

We are welcomed there by a woman in red and yellow air nomad robes, she has brown hair and looks a lot like Jinora actually.

She introduces herself, "Hello fellow air-benders! I'm Pema, Master Tenzin's wife. That makes sense. I thought to myself.

"We welcome you here at Air Temple Island!" She smiles brightly.

Two kids come over, one boy a few years younger than me. His head is shaved bald and he also has a red and yellow jumpsuit like Master Tenzin and Jinora's. He looks tough but in a playful acting kind of way.

There's another girl who looks just like Jinora, but younger with two buns on her head. She smiles excitedly jumping up and down, "Hi!"

The rest of the day is a whirlwind of getting settled.

We meet a few other air-benders that have arrived on their own. They all have the same red and yellow jumpsuit.
We all are assigned our own little rooms with everything we need. It might not be a king-sized bed, but hey, at least its not like The Hole.

We are all given new clothes that all match. Life is going good.

Though I come to find out, that meat is not a part of the air-bender diet. Which is okay for me for the most part. I do enjoy a sausage every once-in-a-while.
And the island? Oh my spirits! It is beautiful.

The ground has smooth light dirt with grass so fresh, you could almost eat it. There are trees with fresh leaves and fruit hanging down in big heavy clumps just waiting to be picked.

There are flowers of every color dotting the whole island. My favorites are the purple ones. They have the smell of grapes and lavender all mixed into one, smelling like they were meant to be together.

The air almost tastes like one giant fruit basket.

The air temple looks so cool, it is a tan color with sandy red roofs.

It has a new but old look too. I think it is trying to imitate the old structures of the original temples. (What? I learned a few things on the way here.) Our little rooms and kitchen are all connected to the heart of the temple.

The island has birds and bison all flying together as one. The place filled with the sweet chirps and tweets from any angle.

Aaaahhh, yep, this is the life.

I could hardly sleep that night. I couldn't wait for my first real day of lessons of air-bending.

I rise from my bed in anticipation of the exciting day, the sun shines through my window warming me up.
I dress in the air nomad clothing.
The material soft and durable. Definitely doesn't go with my normal look, but this is a time of changin'.
The breakfast is all made up of fruits and vegetables, tasty, but I miss having a little meat around.

Now classes begin.


Now any ideas I had for what air-bending lessons would be like and what they are actually like, they are completely different in every way.
My first lesson was all about meditating and the correct form and all that mumbo jumbo. It was kind of boring.

We did more stuff about being like the wind and light on your feet and all that, I was able to figure it out pretty fast with a little help from Jinora.

The next lesson was probably the hardest thing I've done all day so far.
Meelo, Jinora's younger brother with the tough guy look that's younger than me? Yeah, he's our teacher for this lesson.

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