The End of the Beginning

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We barely have anytime to catch up when Lin calls for a move-out. This time I don't mind, I got everything I needed to see and do.

We all run together like a pack of wolves following Lin out the door. We escape a lot faster now that we know the way and we know for sure all the guards are not here.

I see the end of the tunnel, the rain has stopped and the sun is smiling down on us.

I'm towards the back of the group for the first time ever. No need to be the best now. I keep running keeping time with the others and watching my feet run faster and faster, the adrenaline coursing through my veins like fuel, nothing can stop me no—

Unless I run into someone who happens to be standing there.

"What the? Why did we stop..." my words fade away as I take in what's happening in the sky. Everyone has stopped dead in their tracks forgetting our escape plan. Not a soul speaks.

Good news, we found Korra. Bad news, she's fighting Zaheer in the sky and he's winning.

Korra is in the Avatar state, her eyes glowing white, the rest of her using all four elements to fight off Zaheer, who now flies and is easily attacking Korra with his air-bending.

My mind shifts into action mode. I bolt to Lin, "We have to help her, let me fly up there with Lefty and distract Zaheer!"

"Absolutely not, Zaheer is too powerful, and this is Korra's battle." But Lin too, looks worried.

We all stare and watch Korra get pounded into the walls of the cave, a hard crunching noise echoing. Korra is powerful, but I can tell she's struggling. Her eyes flicker in and out and she sometimes just completely collapses in pain. Her hair has fallen out of its usual ponytail and her clothes are torn and covered in blood stains. She's barefoot with a long rusty chain wrapped around her arm like armor. She does not look her best.

Jinora runs forward and she begins with a word, to spin her hands making a small tornado. None of us go forward at first, but one by one air-benders step up and flow their hands in a circle, each creating a bigger and bigger tornado. I join too, the air flowing faster and faster, until our tornadoes unite and become a force of nature. The wind is whipping my hair and clothes, almost to the point I have to hold myself to the ground before I fly away.

The tornado is working! Zaheer is struggling to hold up his power in the hard winds. This allows the perfect opportunity for Korra to wrap her long chain around his waist, tying itself.

"Keep it up!" Jinora shrieks over the noise.

My arms are growing tired from them being raised and held up so long. But I don't stop, if this is what it takes to dominate the Red Lotus, then screw my arms.

I peer up just in time to see Korra crash into the ground with Zaheer landing just seconds after. The ground ripples with cracks.

Lin immediately traps Zaheer in a cage of rocks restricting any movement.

But Korra is in even worse shape. She lays sprawled on the ground, her eyes still glowing. No sign of movement. But she's alive.

Tonraq sits next to her his arms cradling her head, "Come back to me, it's me, dad."


Zaheer begins to chuckle and laugh.

"Why are you laughing? You lost!" Lin glares like no other at him.

His cold dark eyes match with hers, unstartled by her roughness, "It's too late, the poison has been in her system to long!"

Blood drains from Tonraq's face.

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