On the Run

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"Go! Go now!" a familiar face said...
"WHA!" I jolted awake.

I find myself in a random alleyway curled up next to some garbage bags with a smell mixed of rotten cabbages and badger-mole poop. Yech!

"Man, it was just a dream," I whisper to myself. And you know what isn't a dream. Sheriff Zulong and his deputies standing just a yard or so away from me.

There glowering faces peering over at me with stiff smirks etching their faces. Man, don't they have anything better to do than look for boys to bully?

"Long time no see, Kai," the sheriff grinned at me. He and his men are dressed in green and grey uniforms. All of them are earthbenders.

"Nice to see you again too," I call not losing my cool. I slowly, hoping they won't notice, ready myself.

The sheriff unfortunately notices and his deputies immediately deepen their stances. Their feet grip the ground and their gloved hands raised.

"Why don't you take a stroll with us?"
"How about I don't?" I reply with a sideways smirk.

The sheriff and his men slowly advance not taking their eyes off of me for one second.

Nothing is said between us as he comes closer and closer. I rack my brain for some sort of plan. Nothing comes to mind.

"Now!" Zulong points his hand in my direction.

Crap, now what do I do?

That's when I do my best plan, it works every time. I do what I do best.
I run.

I run straight at them, at the last second I twist to my left and jump and use the wall of the building to my advantage to jump over them. Once I land, I take no time to steady myself and smile back at the sheriff.

The sheriff is not happy, heck, when is he ever happy?

He growls like an animal and all his men attack.

I bolt and turn at random points into different alleyways and jump over fences and over streets. I turn to the right and head down the direction of a vegetable shop that is in the way. The old man catering it looks over at me. His eyes bulging when he realizes the problem. I smile. I can jump over that. And have it ready for Zulong and his knuckleheads to run into it. Ha!


I sprint faster. My brown hair whipping in the wind. Zulong and his men right on my tail. I prepare my self for takeoff.

At the last second, the old man wobbles in front his withered hands waving frantically in front of his shop.

"Please! Don't!"

My smile falters. That wasn't part of the plan.

Now, before we continue, I am not a bad guy. I guess I have a few rough spots and I'm definitely not perfect, but I would never injure a person just for the heck of it.

(There may have been a few incidents where I use the people's disadvantage for my advantage, but hey, who's counting?)

I sigh and come up with plan B.
I sprint as fast I can at the vegetable stand. The old man still standing in front of it, his knees shaking his whole body.

I yell, "Out of the way!"

The man lunges to the side and lands with a thud.

I run up the front of the cart and black flip high in the sky. Zulong stops with his jaw hanging open slightly.

Dang it, dang it!

I miscalculated the jump and land right in between two of his guards.

Well, at least I looked cool doing my backflip.

"We got you now!" Zulong approaches me, his huge body towering above me.
His two men grab me under the arms with intense power.

"Geez! Loosen up! Ow!" I sigh, I should've crashed into the vegetable stand. Too late now.

"We'll be taking you away for a long time, little boy." Zulong waves his hand.
Wait, they don't mean...jail.
I always thought they would take me back to the orphanage or something.

Not jail.

"Hey, HEY, let me go!" I squirm and push with all my strength, they don't even budge. I continued away. I thrash and kick.

Another one of his men comes to help hold my legs down. So I jump and kick both my feet at his stomach. That is when the coolest thing I have ever seen happens.

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