Underground Army

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As we head to the palace, I walk by Naga, a giant white polar bear dog behind everyone else. Korra and the others are listening to all the boring rules you need to follow in the presence of the snotty queen. Man, it's going to be long few hours.

That's when I notice all the people strolling around in their fancy clothes and purses talking quietly with others. The jingle of a bunch of coins is like music to my ears.

I debated.

I probably shouldn't.

But no one has to know. There's no Zulong here too.

Yeah, but will Korra kick me out if she finds out?

No, you'll be back before they knew you were gone.

That settles it. I fall into the tall shadow of Naga and wait for the perfect moment and run off.

I just need a day to myself that's all.

Once I get to the heart of the upper ring, I glance for my first victim.
All these people are completely different from the people from my old home. For one, they are a lot richer. And they just have their money sitting out in the open just hanging on their belt. I should be able to make some easy money.

The little voice in the back of mind makes me almost change my mind and just go back to where the others are, but with how easy I can steal the money without anyone noticing. It's just...too tempting.

I spot my first man. A guy with long black braid with a small green circle cap. He walks alone with a small blue pouch of money at his side. Might as well start of easy.

Right before he passes me, I crouch down and send a gust of wind from my hand that travels up his legs, sending his robes high above his head blocking his vision.


I come out and look as innocent as possible, "Here sir, let me help you."
The man's eyes bulging with confusion nods looking around him looking for a source.

"That was indeed strange." The man says strangely.

"Sure was." I smile to myself. I pat down his robes "making sure they were all straightened out" and easily untie his pouch of money off his belt.

"Thank you, young man, now run along." He shoos his hand and struts away not waiting for a response.

Now that, was almost too easy!

I throw the pouch in the air and catch it again. Let's see who else has money for me.

I spend the rest of the afternoon making some easy money, nothing too big, and nothing too small.

One more.

I look around the corner and choose a rather fat man.

Sweet, that guy won't be able to run away.

I do the same routine. Gust of air up the legs, can't see, help him, blah blah blah...

Right as I finish, and the man waddles away, I see something, no someone, two someones' that I happen to know.

Mako and Bolin.

Mako's eyes are trained me, with his mouth turned down. His legs and arms apart ready to spring at any moment.
Bolin just looks a little sad that I sort of betrayed everyone and made them have to come get me.

But, I'm not going anywhere, I haven't even used the money I earned.

I smile and run.

My legs have grown a tiny bit stronger with all the air bending tricks I've been learning from myself and Jinora.
Sadly, Mako and Bolin are even stronger and faster.

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