It'll Be Okay (Hopefully.)

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My eyes groggily open. And I have no idea what I'm looking at. It seems that not much time has passed since I blacked out.

Man, my head hurts.

My hands are hanging down by my ears like I'm cheering or something. My left leg is dangling in a weird angle. The other caught in a branch. Then I figure it out, I'm hanging upside down.

The fog is super heavy, so there is no nearby ground, but I also notice a cute little bison by me waiting silently.

"Hey little guy, mind if I can get a lift?" I smile, my head throbbing with all that blood down in my head.

He floats over allowing me to sit on him and unhook my leg. And we take off through the air finding out where the heck I landed and what's happening.

As I ride, the wind stings into my cuts. I have a long zigzagging gash across my left arm. A few bruises across my face, all bright purple. My clothes are ripped in the most random spots. I feel a little dizzy, but other than that, I feel fantastic.

I lived.


I travel around on who I now named the baby bison Lefty. (Because he leans to the left a lot.) All I see are trees, dirt, and that's pretty much it.

There is nobody around. I head back to the air temple hoping with all my might I won't be ambushed and all the air-benders are okay, especially J—, actually never mind.

I float sneakily behind a few treetops overlooking to see into a deserted mountain area a little ways away. The rain is sprinkling just a little, I can hear the small droplets splashing all over Lefty. I look and spot a few people who are dressed in dark clothes slowly walking around and checking over their shoulders. Then I follow the line of people to a area in a small cave opening in the mountain with air-benders! They're all chained together in the ankles and wrists walking slowly in unison in a long line heading further and further into the dark hole escaping away from view.

Aha! I found them. But there is absolutely no way I could beat the bad guy club and save everyone. I'm not that good yet.

I turn around and head to the air temple.

I'll come up with something.


I'll tell Tenzin and the others and then we'll take them out and save Ji—I mean the air-benders! I think to myself excitedly, steering Lefty away from the left again.

As I head closer and closer to the air temple, a sudden smell enters the atmosphere. The smell of something hot, metal and smoky.

Oh boy.

The dark clouds have now fully taken over the sun, not allowing any light through. The rain still coming down lightly, leaving me slightly shivering.

I continue on until a I see what used to be the air temple of Republic City. Now, it is engulfed entirely of hot, flaming lava. Only the very tippy top of the air temple is seen. Nothing will be salvaged from this place. No siree. I head closer, the heat already heating me up.

The air ship from before with the forehead-bomb lady is gone out of sight.

But where could the others be that weren't captured? Where's Korra? Where's Tenzin, and Bolin and Mako?

My heart skips a beat, and I pull Lefty to a complete stop.

What if they're all captured?


I float just a little closer looking for any sign of hope or sign of the what I'm supposed to do now.

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