A Man Has Got to Do What a Man Has Got to Do.

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My name is Kai. I am 12 years old. I am an orphan. As an orphan, you have to survive. So naturally I'm a thief. And pretty good, I might add. I never steal anything extremely valuable, just enough to survive the night on a full stomach. My parents are...let's skip over that part. I have emerald green eyes, with tan skin. My hair is buzzed short all around the sides with long hair on the top. I live in pretty big city near Ba Sing Se. Yup, just an average (good-looking) city boy. But, all that changed when something unexpected happened that hasn't been seen hardly at all anywhere for the last 200 years.
I air bended.

I kick my legs up aiming at the man's stomach. A huge rush of wind shoots from the bottom of my feet going exactly where my feet want it to go. The man shot back landing in the vegetable cart. A loud crunch was made.

"No! My cabbages!" The old man from earlier shrieked sobbing over his rotten veggies.

Zulong turned back at me, eyes wide with...I don't know what.

The men's grips loosened just enough to have a chance at escape.

I don't know what just happened, but if it helps me escape, I'm not complaining.

I jump and shoot my hands up aiming for the two guys holding me. Gusts of air whip them away.

I'm free.

Zulong runs at me, I put my hands up and shoot them forward. The wind rushes from my fingertips and wraps itself around Zulong's legs, causing him to fall to the ground.

I laugh. I examine my hands, they don't look any different. They don't feel any different. But, I feel different. Like a new person. Maybe this is my chance. My chance to be someone else.

Someone other than, a street boy with no life. Air-bending is not common at all. I could become famous! I could have a large house, all the servers I could want, people bowing at my—.
"Get him!" Zulong managed to say from the ground.

Back to reality I guess.

I stand my ground with my hands in the air. I wasn't going to run anymore.
His men, shaky from falling, approach me slowly, their hands raised. I see something in their eyes. Uncertainty. I smile to myself. I take all that I can, and bring my hands to my chest, palms facing out. And push them straight out and yell.


There is a weird whooshing sensation that travels from my gut all the way up my chest and down my arms and it escapes out my hands. The air twists in circles knocking out all his men. The air pushed other people that have been watching from the start down to the ground. Their eyes wide with disbelief. Zulong and his men are wiped out, waiting to see what I will do next.

I stop.

I bring my hands down, and the weird sensation goes away. The wind disappeared without a trace. It's silent. No one gasps or whispers. Not a sound. I breathe heavily and run.

No one follows.


I run past the houses and alleyways. I run past people. I run and run until my lungs burn, threatening to combust if I don't stop now.

I collapse to the ground breathing in the dirt ground. My whole body is hot with sweat. I heave up and down. Trying to breathe.

What. Just. Happened?

Am I what I think I am?

An-an air-bender?

I got to say, this is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Competing with the time I stole a whole cake from the bakery window.

What do I do now?

I spend the night away from all eyes. In the field with the animals. I need time to think in peace.

Am I the only one? There has got to be more. Is this permanent, do I have this new skill forever? And the biggest question I have that night.

Why me?

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