Airbending? Easy.

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So this is where they have all gone, right here underground.

I find a spot next to the wall, and lean back with my knees up. I lay my head back against the cool but rock hard metal wall.

Am I ever going to get out of here?

"Hey, hey kid!" A tiny voice whispers.
I look around and spot an older man whisper again, "do you happen to know where we are?"

I shake my head.

"Dang it!" He looks away.
Only that we're somewhere underground with no way to contact anyone. Ba Sing Se is huge, it will take a million years for anyone to find us. By then, I'll be dead!

Then I think about the queen. Man, I hate her stinking guts. I bet she lied to Korra about the air-benders. I wonder why she needs an army with air-benders, she has a whole army of super skilled earth-benders, I bet most of us barely know how to use our—" my thoughts are interrupted when (I heard the others talking) a Dai Li Agent comes to the door and opens it quickly, "Follow in an orderly fashion."
He turns and we all stand, some with great difficulty. Two more Dai Li Agents follow us as we come out of the stuffy room.

We come to another room that is also isolated. The Dai Li Agent metal-bends the door open. The ceiling is high up, the room misty with green. There are metal gold disks as big as my head  stacked, lining the room.

I don't want to know what those are for.

We all stand in a line against the wall waiting for what lays in store for us.
The leader of the Dai Li Agents projects, his cold eyes searching for a way to break us down into nothing, "You are here to serve her majesty, the queen, and we are here to train you with these." He gestures to the gold disks. "There will be no escaping, you have no chance of that, so don't even think about it." His eyes lock with mine for a solid second before he looks away.
He thinks I'm a threat. I smirk slightly.

"Hey! What are you smiling about?" He demands.

I wipe whatever emotion I have on my face and respond, "Nothing."

He smiles creepily, "Good, let's begin."
And for the whole day, there was non-stop falling and crashing with gold disks flung at us from any direction.
These men we're not patient. Some of us were not very agile. We were either too tired from sleeping on the hard ground too long, or just not cut out for this.

Fortunately, I was one of the few who were quick on their feet and more of an air-bender type of person. But that also made the Dai Li Agents harder on me.
By the end of the first day, I have cuts and bruises all over my chest and arms from the gold disks cutting into me like knives.

The hard ground with no pillow and blanket was no help. This is a bad transition after sleeping like a king only nights before.

The next morning came bright and—actually dark and early. They give us gray and brown mushy stuff to eat before our eternity-long lesson.
My arms are so sore, I can barely lift them. My legs feel like they've been filled with noodles.

I was so sick of this crap, let the queen be destroyed, see if I care.

As a quick learner, I have improved a lot on breaking and dodging the disks.
I'm pretty lucky, most are not as quick to learn and end up getting beaten up by those disks.

After about 4 hours of practicing, the leader stopped, "Now let's test you on your skills."

The Dai Li Agents points to a tall gangly guy to the front.
The man trembles forward and prepares himself the best he can.
The Dai Li Agent immediately shoots the gold disks with his hands and feet 10 times faster than usual. 1 after another shot. The gangly guy is pushed back into the wall, defeated.

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