Got my back?

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The next few days were pretty nice. We had a few lessons every day, but plenty of time to relax and explore the island.

Spending time with Jinora and exploring is my favorite time of the day.
Every night,  I slept peacefully. Everything was just perfect.

But of course, I spoke too soon.

The sound of air horn blasts through every door of the air temple, banging the door open, the horrible sound rocketing into your ear drums. Sounds like a dying moose having an argument with a crying duck.

Ugh, where's the sun?

I look out the window and notice that the sun is not shining, and it isn't because it's cloudy, it's because it's still dark out. The moon still high in the sky.

Master Tenzin bellows down the hall, "Up, up, up! We have a big day of training ahead of us! Meet you all down in the courtyard in 10 minutes!"

I stagger around my room groping for my clothes.

After I put them on, I walk tiredly with the others to the outside.

Master Tenzin looks wide awake and excited.

That can't be good.

Jinora, Meelo and the younger sister Ikki, all look equally as tired.

"We're going to start the day off with a ten-mike hike." Everyone groans. "The perfect way to start the day." He takes no notice of how barely anyone is not functioning properly yet.He zooms down the hill and we trudge down after him.

I am one of the faster ones to complete the hike, but not by much. We end and the sun is just barely peeking over the horizon. It is way too early for anyone to be out here, even the sun.

And for the rest of the day, Master Tenzin works us non-stop with only two short breaks before another huge exercise.

"Now, for the next exercise, I want you to use your air-bending to safely go through each obstacle and finally jump your way all the way back here. Understood? Go!"

He doesn't wait for any answer. And before I knew it, I am flying through the course. Beads of sweat cover the whole surface of my body. My breathing going fast. My heart pounding for a break. My legs barely managing the effort of jumping.
I make through most of it without any trouble.

The second-to-last-section.
I jump carefully on a wooden pole sticking out of a forest of cactus, held down by sticky mud.

I jump onto another. And another. And another.

One more. You can do this.
I jump, my legs extending for it.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see another air-bender lunging for the same one.

There is no way to avoid it, we both leap for it only to smash into each other and falling into the cactus and mud.
It hurts.

The pointy ends sticking anywhere the can. I easily jump back out onto the pole and finish the course.

I'm caked from head-to-toe in mud and cactus pins.

Everyone else looks about the same.
Tenzin looks disapprovingly down the side where Bumi is still stuck against the wall.

"Come on Bumi! You have 30 seconds to get up here, or everyone has to do the course again!" Tennis puts his hands on his hips.

Bumi tries again, leaping up to each ledge. He miscalculates the last jump, falling all the way back down with a thud as he lands on his back.

"I've had it! I'm too old for this! I'm done!" Bumi hollers up turning his back and storming away.

"Come back!" Tenzin calls.

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