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Caroline's POV
    I woke up, and vamp sped to pack my things. I put everything in my Blue Jeep. I then put on my strapless red dress, with my red heels. I drank a blood bag, and sped to my car. I then drove out of this town. I was tired of my so called friends trying to turn my humanity on. I didn't want to Feel, or care. My mother died. I deserve a while with out my humanity.

Stefan's POV
    I went over to Caroline's house, to check on her. I walked in, and didn't se ever anywhere. My phone rang, it was Elena. I answered, she said, " How is she?"

    I said, " She isn't here."

   Elena said, " What do you mean she isn't there?"

   I said, " She isn't here anywhere. All of her stuff is gone, and her car isn't in the driveway either."

   Elena said, " What do we do? We can't let an emotionless Caroline on the loose. We have to find her."

    I said, " I will have Bonnie do a locator spell. Hopefully we can find her."

    I then hung up. I sped over to Bonnie's house. I knocked on her door, and she didn't answer. I didn't hear anything from inside. I guess she still isn't home. I haven't seen her since last night. I sped to the house, and went inside.

    I told Damon, and Elena, that I went to Bonnie's and she isn't there. They didn't know where she was either.

Caroline's POV
     After 14 hours of driving, I arrived in New Orleans. I compelled myself an apartment. I put everything in its place. I then looked around  my apartment. There is a guest room, with a full size bed. There's the master bedroom, with a queen size bed, with adjoining bathroom. Ther is a massive kitchen, there is high ceilings. There is a wall sized window in the living room. I grabbed my purse, and went out the door.

    I wanted a night on the town. I went to this bar Called, ' Rousseau's'. I went to the bar, and got a bourbon. Someone sat beside me and said, " Hello, beautiful."

   I said, " Hey."

   I looked at him, and he was handsome. I might just want to have some fun with this one. He said, " Who might you be?"

   I said, " Caroline."

   He said, " I'm Marcel. Welcome to the French Quarter."

    His eyes drifted to my hand. He said, " Now, where did you get that Lapis Lazuli?"

   I said, " A friend."

   He said, " Who's this friend?"

   I said, " None of your business."

   He said, " Alright. I see you have a sharp tongue. I like that."

   I down the rest of my bourbon, and got up. Marcel grabbed my arm, and said, " Where are you going?"

   I said, " I'm going to get a real drink."

    I then walked out of the bar. Of course he was a vampire. I was hoping to drain that Marcel guy. I grabbed a guy off the street, and took him into an alley. We started kissing, and then I bit his neck. I sucked him dry, and he landed on the ground hard. I looked down at him and said, " Shame. You were cute."

   I then walked down the street, and I seen someone. She looked familiar, I got a closer look and it was Elena. She spotted me, and I flashed down the street. I stopped and looked around. I then felt someone grab me by the neck. It was Elena.

    I shoved her away, but she grabbed my neck. She is stronger, how. I am older than her, unless that isn't Elena. It's Kathrine. She said, " Caroline Forbes. What shall I do with you?"

   I said, " Kathrine, leave me alone."

    She said, " I wonder where my doppelgänger is. I think I shall kill her, and make you watch."

   I said, " You think I care. Go ahead and kill that bitch."

   Kathrine let go of my neck, she said, " You seem different."

   I said, " Wow. Captain obvious much."

   She said, " Your turned it off. What made goody too shoes Caroline turn her humanity off?"

   I said, " My mother died."

    She said, " Wow. Wouldn't think you had it in you?"

    I said, " Whatever."

    Kathrine said, " Let's get a drink. I think we could use some fun."

    I said, " Lets go."

   We then flashed to a bar, and drank. We flirted with some guys, and ate them. Then we had a bunch of fun. I then flashed to my apartment, and got a shower. I then changed into my pjs and went to sleep.

Kathrine's POV
    She went home. I then flashed to the plantation house. I knocked on the door, and Klaus answered. He stepped aside to let me in. He said, " It better be good, Katerina."

   I said, " Oh it is. Where's the rest of the family?"

   He said, " They are in there. Why?"

   I went into the living room, and sat down beside Elijah. I kissed his lips. Thankfully, Klaus is letting me live, since I make Elijah happy. Plus I gave him intel on what Marcel is up to.

   Klaus said, " Katerina, what is it?"

   I said, " Caroline is here. You know that blonde little bombshell you like."

  Klaus said, " What is she doing here?"

   I said, " She has her humanity off. Her mother died. Her friends kept trying to make her turn it on, so she left. No humanity Caroline is fun."

   Kol said, " Wait, Nik's girl turned her humanity off? Hahaha!!"

   Rebekah said, " Caroline had the guts to turn it off. That's new."

   Elijah said, " She can't be here. If Marcel finds out that She is connected to this family, and that she has her humanity off? Who knows what he would do?"

   We nodded, and tried to figure a plan to get Caroline out of New Orleans.

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