Turn It Off

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Caroline's POV
It has been a week, since I came here. It has been amazing. I woke up, and put on my jeans, blue crop top, and my black heels. I then went to the kitchen, and drank a blood bag. I went outside of the building. I got in my car, and drove to the mall.

I arrived at the mall, and went into a few stores. I then stopped for some real food. I compelled this guy, and took his outside to the back of the mall. I then bit into his neck, and almost killed him. But someone threw me off of him.

I got up, and it was Rebekah Mikaelson, and Kathrine standing there. I said, " Seriously? What is your deal?"

Rebekah said, " What is your deal? You are killing left and right."

I said, " You act as if I care!"

Kathrine said, " That's just it. You don't care. Turn it back on!"

I said, " Nope."

I then sped to my car. I got in and drove to my apartment.

Kathrines POV
She sped off. I tuned to Bekah, and I said, "There goes her. What are we supposed to do now?"

Bekah said, " We have to keep trying to get her to care. If Marcel finds out she is the one killing the people in the quarter, he will kill her."

I said, " Klaus."

She said, " What about him?"

I said, " When I was in Mystic Falls. Caroline and Klaus had this connection. She was the only one that could stop him from killing anyone of her friends. Maybe he can make her turn it back on."

She said, " He won't force her."

I said, " He shouldn't have to. He just needs to talk with her, and bring up stuff that she cared about before."

She nodded, and we flashed to the house. We walked inside, and Elijah said, " So? What did she say?"

I said, " She won't turn it back on. We have a plan."

Kol said, " Don't leave us in the dark, darling."

I said, " Shut up, Kol. We need Klaus to talk with her."

Klaus said, " What makes you think she would turn it on, for me?"

I said, " She and you had a connection in Mystic Falls. She got you to stop killing her friends, for her. Maybe you can get her to turn it on. Get her to care."

Bonnie said, " Klaus, she does have a connection with you. I know I Amy not have liked you, and still don't. But she always did have some sort of connection with you. Just try."

Klaus sighed, and said, " I will try. I can't guarantee anything."

We nodded, and Klaus sped out of the house.

Caroline's POV
It is around 5 PM. So, I decided to go out for a drink. I flashed to 'Rousseau's'. I sat down, and got a bourbon. I then drank all night. I decided to go home, and on my walk home. I felt his presence, it was the same presence I felt all week.

I stopped walking, and said, " You going to show yourself, Klaus."

He flashed to stand in front of me. He said, " Hello, love."

I said, " What do you want? You have been following me all week."

He smirked and said, " Lets go for a drink."

We then flashed to this bar, outside of the quarter. It was a real dump. I said, " You actually come here?"

He said, " Well, I can't be shown in the Quarter talking to you. Marcel has spies everywhere."

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