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Caroline's POV
   I woke up to someone knocking on the door. I got out of bed, and sped over to the door. I opened it and it was Bonnie. I said, " Oh. It's you."

     I went to the kitchen, and she followed. I got a blood bag, and drank it. Bonnie said, " What do you mean?"

  I said, " Just that you are probably here to make me turn my humanity back on."

   She said, " I'm not here because of that. I respect your decision. I'm here to ask you to leave New Orleans."

    I said, " Not a chance. Who sent you? Stefan? Damon? Cry baby Elena?"

   She said, " None of them, know I am in New Orleans. I left Mystic Falls 3 nights ago."

I said, " Why are you in New Olreans?"

  She said, " I'm saving my friends lives."

   I said, " Okay. Then who sent you?"

   She said, " Kathrine."

  I said, " Since, when are you buddies with Kathrine."

   She said, " I'm not. We joined alliances with The Originals."

   I said, " Well, if they want me to leave town. Tell them to come here and do it themselves, not letting someone else doing their dirty work. Now, I have places to be."

    I then went to my room, and put on my jeans, and a tank top, with my black heels. I then sped out of my apartment, not even bothering to see if Bonnie left.

Bonnie's POV
     She sped out of the apartment, and I left. I went to my car, and drove to the Mikaelsons plantation house. I got out of my car, and walked inside the house.

    I said, " Klaus!! Rebekah! Elijah! Kol! Kathrine!"

     They sped to the foyer. Klaus said, " Well, witch?"

   I rolled my eyes and said, " No. She isn't leaving. She wants one of you to tell her yourselves, instead of letting someone else do your dirty work."

    I looked to the other Vampires, and they all looked at Klaus. Kol said, " Guess it's you Nik."

   Rebekah said, " Why can't we just let her be?"

    Kat said, " We can't. Marcel is 200 years older than Caroline. She also has her humanity off, who knows what he would do. We need her to either turn it back on forcefully, or have her leave town."

   Klaus said, " We are not forcing her humanity back on. That has to be her choice!"

   Elijah said, " Then you have to speak with her."

  Klaus said, " Why me?"

   I said, " Maybe she might listen to you. She always did like you, even though she never showed it. Maybe you might be able to get her humanity back on, too."

   Klaus sighed and said, " Fine. I will talk with her."

   We nodded, and Kol said, " Witchy, let's go over those spells to help find this all powerful witch."

   I said, " Fine. Let's go."

   Kol and I went upstairs to the study, to go through all their mothers grimoires.

  Caroline's POV
      I went shopping, mostly compelling the people. I then put the bags in my apartment, and headed out the door. I was starving for some blood. I seen a couple walk into an alley. I followed them, and said, " It's not safe to be out here."

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