Treaty Problems

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Caroline's POV
       I woke up and put on my yoga pants, and my blue crop top, with my black heels. I sped downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge, when something broke the window, and into my chest. I fell to the ground, and everything went black.

    Klaus's POV
         I got dressed, and went downstairs. I heard glass break, and it came from the kitchen. I sped to the kitchen, and Caroline was on the floor, with an arrow in her chest. I hurried over, and bent down. I pulled the arrow out of her chest, it barely missed her heart.

    I said, " Caroline, love. Wake up."

    Elijah, Rebekah, Katerina, and Kol came into the kitchen. Elijah said, " What happened?"

   I said, " I don't know. All I heard was glass breaking. I came into see what happened, and she was on the floor with an arrow in her chest. It barely missed her heart!"

    Elijah bent down, and picked up the arrow. He looked at it, and sighed. He said, " There's an inscription in the arrow."

    I grabbed the arrow from his hand, and it read.

   Our rules, or no treaty.

     I said, " I am going to kill every last one of them!!"

    Kol said, " Might want to enlighten us."

     I then heard a gasp, I turned and seen Caroline sitting up. I gave her a blood bag, and she drank it. She said, " What the hell happened?"

Caroline's POV
    I gasped for air, and sat up. Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, Kat, and Kol, were in the kitchen. Klaus gave me a blood bag, and I drank it. I said, " What the hell happened?"

      Klaus and Elijah sighed. Elijah said, " These passed weeks, Niklaus and I were trying to make a treaty for all of the Supernatural Community. The Wolves agreed to it, same as the vampires. The witches don't want to report to Niklaus and I. They were sending us a message. They want their rules, or no treaty."

    Klaus said, " It seems they may respond better to violence. I will kill Monique and those other damn witches."

    Elijah said, " No. I will hold a meeting with them, tonight. Niklaus you are to be there."

    Klaus said, " Elijah, I told you last night. I am spending tonight with Caroline. You made me miss our date last night, I want to make it up to her."

    I stood up off the floor, same did Klaus. Elijah said, " There is no questioning this. We need to have this treaty work. I may have an idea for the witches."

     I put my hand on Klaus's arm. He looked at me, and I said, " Go. Deal with those damn witches before I kill them myself. They ruined this shirt!"

    Klaus chuckled and said, " Love, I promised I would make it up to you."

    I said, " Klaus, I am telling you to go. You can make it up to me another day."

      He said, " Fine. Elijah, I will be there."

   Elijah said, " Good. Be ready by 6. Kol, where is the lovely Davina?"

   Kol said, " She is upstairs waiting for our lesson. Why?"

  Elijah said, " I am going to need her help."

   Elijah, and Kol left the kitchen. Klaus looked into my eyes, and said, " Tomorrow, it's just you and me, love."

    I smiled, and said, " I'm looking forward to it."

   He leaned in, and kissed my lips. It was a sweet, and genuine kiss. We pulled apart, and Kat said, " I think I might barf."

  Bekah said, " You think. I will, you don't have to see your brothers kiss your best friends, all the bloody time!"

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