Beach Problems

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Caroline's POV
I woke up, and put on my blue dress, with my blue heels. I then sped to the kitchen, and drank a blood bag. I felt two arms wrap around my waist. He kissed my cheek, and said, "Good Morning, love."

I turned around in his arms, and wrapped my arms around his neck. I said, " Morning."

He kissed my lips, and the kiss got deeper. He lifted me up on to the counter, and stood between my legs. We just kept making out.

Ten minutes later, someone said, " Why the counter?!! Why the bloody counter?!!"

We pulled apart, and seen Bekah, Kat, and Davina standing there in the kitchen. I got off the counter, and Davina said, " We cook on that."

Kat said, " We don't cook. The chef cooks."

Davina said, " Whatever. We still make coffee there."

Klaus and I laughed. Bekah said, " What are you two laughing about?"

I said, " Just you girls are bickering over a counter."

Klaus grabbed my hand, and we walked out of the kitchen. I said, " Where are we going?"

He said, " You need to get ready."

I said, " For what?"

He said, " Our date. Get a swimsuit, and an overnight bag, love."

I said, " We're leaving now."

He said, " Yes, love."

I kissed his cheek, and sped upstairs to my room. I put my swim suit on underneath my dress. I then packed an overnight bag. I sped back downstairs and seen Klaus in the courtyard. I grabbed his hand, and said, " So, where are we going?"

He said, " You shall see."

I said, " You know I hate surprises!"

He just smirked, and kissed my cheek. We walked out of the compound, and to his car. We got in, and he started driving. He drove for an hour, and we arrived at a tarmac.

I said, " We're flying. In a private jet?"

Klaus said, " Of course, love. Have to make sure no one can interrupt us."

We got out of the car, and went to the jet. We got in the jet, and it was amazing. A flat screen tv, a couch, a full stocked bar, a small bedroom in the back, with a small bathroom. It was so, Klaus. We sat down, and the jet took off. We leveled out in the air, and drank and talked.

An hour later, we landed. We got off the jet, and got in the car, that was waiting. Klaus drove thirty minutes, till he parked. It was a beach.

We got out of the car, and I said, " The beach. Seriously?"

He smirked and said, " The best date, fit for a queen."

I grabbed my overnight bag, and he grabbed his bag. He took my hand, and we walked along the beach. We reached a huge beach house. It was beautiful, there was a huge pool in the back.

Klaus said, " I take it, you like it."

I said, " Like it? I love it."

He chuckled, and we walked inside. He showed me around. There is two Floors of the house. Kitchen, living room, dining room, study, and library is downstairs. Each of the Mikaelsons have a room here.

Klaus said, " This house, I had built a hundred years ago. It was a getaway house, private. Rebekah loved the beach, so we came here."

I nodded, and he showed me the room, I was staying in. It was next to his room. I put my overnight bag in my room, and he put his bag into his room. My phone buzzed. It was a group chat with the girls.

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