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Caroline's POV
I cried in Klaus's arms for three hours. I finally calmed down. He rubbed my back, and I said, " Klaus."

He pulled away from me, and said, " Love, are you okay?"

I said, " I fine, right now. I just have blood all over my clothes, and I feel gross."

He smirked, and stood up, and he helped me up. I looked at his shirt and said, " Your shirt."

He looked down, and chuckled. He said, " It's alright, love. Let's get you upstairs."

I nodded, and we walked upstairs. He took me upstairs, to a room. He said, " I will have Rebekah and Katerina get you some clothes. Bathroom is through there."

He pointed to the bathroom, and I nodded. He went to turn around, but I grabbed his arm.

He faced me and I said, " Thank you, Klaus. For everything."

He kissed my cheek, and said, " Not a problem, love."

He then left the room, I went into the bathroom, and got a shower.

Klaus's POV
I exited her room, and went downstairs. I seen Katerina, Elijah, Rebekah, and Kol in the living room. I said, " Where's the witch?"

Kol said, " She needs to rest her power for the next full moon. We can't have her doing a bunch of spells, right now."

I nodded, and I said, " Rebekah, Katerina, Caroline is going to need clothes. Bring them to the guest room, next to mine."

Katerina said, " Her humanity is back on?"

I said, " Yes, Katerina."

Rebekah and Katerina sped upstairs, laughing and whispering. I shook my head, and got a glass of bourbon. Elijah said, " Niklaus, your shirt."

I said, " I know, Elijah. I will be right back."

I sped upstairs to my room, and changed my shirt. I then sped back downstairs to the living room. I grabbed my glass of bourbon, and sat down.

Kol said, " How did you do it?"

I said, " I talked with her. I reasoned with her. I told her that I would be there for her, no matter what."

They nodded, and we sat there.

Caroline's POV
I got out of the shower, and wrapped a towel around my body. I walked into the room, and seen Rebekah and Kathrine sitting there on the bed, smiling. Kathrine said, " Here's your clothes."

She then threw the clothes at me, and I caught them. I went into the bathroom, and got dressed. It was black shorts, and a black tank top. I walked back into the room, and they were still sitting there.

Rebekah said, " Are you okay, Caroline?"

I sat down on the bed, and said, " I'm fine."

Kathrine threw me a blood bag, and I looked at her. She said, " What? It's blood. I figured you would need it."

I drank the blood bag, and put the empty bag into the trash. I sat against the headboard, and the girls sat at the foot of the bed.

Rebekah said, " Im sorry about your mother."

I said, " Why are you being so nice to me?"

She said, " I never hated you. I was just jealous of you. You have friends that love you, you are a cheerleader, and beautiful."

I said, " Rebekah, how could you be jealous of me? I had my own problems. My friends always paid more attention to Elena. The only one that talked with me was Bonnie, and sometimes Stefan. But Stefan and Damon always worried about Elena. Matt left town to go to Seattle. Now, I have no body. Stefan, Damon and Elena, probably aren't worried about me."

Kathrine said, " Call them, and tell them you are okay, and just need some time to yourself."

I said, " I will, tomorrow. I'm tired."

I yawned, and Rebekah said, " Get some sleep, Caroline."

I nodded, and they left the room. I turned out the light, and laid down. I fell asleep.

Klaus's POV
Rebekah and Katerina came downstairs and sat down. I said, " Where's Caroline?"

Katerina said, " Don't get your panties in a twist. She was tired, so we let her sleep."

Rebekah said, " Yeah, having your neck snapped twice, being stabbed multiple times, and switching your humanity back on, takes a lot out of a girl. Just let her rest."

I nodded, and we sat there and talked.

Three hours later, we went up to our own rooms, and went to sleep. As I was walking passed Caroline's room, I heard her scream. I sped inside, and she was tossing and turning in her bed. I sped to her side and tried to wake her.

Caroline's POV
There was blood everywhere. There was bodies dead, and I had blood all over me. I screamed for help, but no one would come. Then someone came in, it was Stefan. He looked around and said, " Caroline, what have you done?"

I said, " I didn't mean to."

Stefan said, " You are a monster, just like Klaus."

I said, " Klaus isn't a monster!"

I then heard Klaus's voice, " Love, Wake up."

I woke up, and Klaus was standing beside the bed. I gasped for air, and he rubbed my back. He said, " You are okay, love."

I threw my arms around his neck, and I cried. Two hours later, we pulled apart, and I stopped crying. I said, " I'm sorry."

He said, " Don't worry, love. You were having a nightmare. Want to talk about it?"

I said, " No. I should go back to sleep."

He said, " Goodnight, love."

He kissed my forehead and went to walk away, but I grabbed his arm. I said, " Stay. Please."

He looked into my eyes, and said, " Okay, love."

He then laid down behind me. I cuddled up to him, and put my head on his chest. He kissed my hair and said, " Get some sleep, love."

I said, " Goodnight, Klaus."

I then fell into a deep sleep, breathing in Klaus's scent.

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