Here Comes Trouble

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Caroline's POV
It has been 3 weeks, since Bonnie died. I am no longer crying. I am trying to live up to my promise to Bonnie. She wanted me to be happy. The Mikaelsons, and Kat convinced me to move in with them at the Compound. Elijah has the North Wing. Kol has the South Wing. Klaus has the West Wing. Kat, Rebekah and I stay in the East Wing. Klaus is in charge of New Orleans with Elijah has his second in command. The Witches Harvest ritual was completed, and that Davina girl was resurrected. She lives with us now, Elijah and I convinced Klaus that Kol could help her with her magic. She sleeps in The girls wing of the house. Davina is friends with All of us.

Anyway, I woke up, and put on my blue jeans, blue crop top, and my black heels. I then went downstairs, and I heard someone say, " Caroline."

I looked at the front door, and Kol stood there, along with Elena, Damon and Stefan. I flashed down the rest of the stairs, and stood beside Kol.

I said, " What are you doing here?"

Damon said, " We are here for you, Blondie."

Elena said, " Come home, Care. You shouldn't be here with them."

I said, " Them? What do you mean? They are my friends. It took you 4 months to find me."

   Damon said, " Look, we didn't know where you had gone. We looked for weeks, and nothing. We didn't think you would've came here."

     I said, " I am not leaving. New Orleans is my home, now. I love it here."

   Damon looks at Kol and said, " What did you do to her?"

     Kol said, " I didn't do anything to the lady, Mate."

    Damon said, " What did Klaus do?"

   I said, " Klaus didn't do anything. Neither did Kol, Elijah, Rebekah or Kat."

  Elena said, " Kat? Who the hell is that?"

   Speak of the devil, and she shall come. Kat said, " That'd be me. Hello, Elena."

   Kat was standing beside me now. Elena said, " Kathrine!"

    Damon said, " How are you still alive?"

  Kat said, " We came to an agreement. I helped him take New Orleans back, and he gives me my freedom. Plus Elijah and I are together."

   Stefan said, " Caroline, could we talk?"

   I said, " Sure. Stef, follow me."

    He nodded, and came inside the house with me. I turned around and said to Kol, "Kol, make sure they leave. I don't want to speak to either of them, anymore."

   Elena said, " Care."

    Kol said, " You heard the lady of the house, leave, or I will make you leave."

    I led Stefan upstairs, and I heard the front door shut. Elena and Damon left. I went into my wing of the house, and went into my study. I closed the door, and said, " So what did you want to talk about?"

     He said, " Im not here to make you go back. I wanted to make sure you were happy, and you're humanity was turned back on."

    I said, " How did you find out I was here?"

   He sighed and said, " I actually knew for 3 months that you were here."

    I said, " How?"

   He said, " Elijah had told me that you were here. He felt like I needed to know you were here. He knew your humanity was off."

   I said, " You never told Elena or Damon?"

   He said, " I knew you wanted your space. Look, Care I knew why you turned your humanity off. I wanted you to grieve your mother properly, and I tried to get your to turn it back on. Mostly because I know how it feels to turn it off, and then turn it back on. All the lives you take, come to haunt you after a while."

    I said, " I know. But I'm fine. How did Elena, and Damon find out I was here?"

   He said, " Elijah had texted me two days ago, that your humanity was back. Elena had grabbed my phone, and read the text, and the ones before that, from Elijah. She was angry that I kept this from her. But I didn't care that she was angry with me. She doesn't need to keep dragging you into her mess. She's with Damon. I figured that if you didn't contact us, then you didn't want to be bugged by us."

    I said, " I forgot to call you. I meant to, but then the thing with the city, my humanity being on and off, me making Klaus turn it off, and then the thing with Bonnie. I was just really busy. I'm sorry for not calling. I mean I should've made time to call you at least. You were there for me, when I first transitioned."

     He said, " It's fine, Care. Wait, What thing with Bonnie? She was here the whole time?"

    I said, " She was here. Stef, there is something you need to know about Bonnie. She is dead."

Stefan said, " What?"

   I said, " Yeah. She died because she did this really big spell to help us find this powerful witch. She knew the risk, she was taking. She did it to protect us, because the witch was looking for a way to kill The Mikaelsons, without white oak."

   Stefan said, " I didn't realize she was here."

    I nodded, and he hugged me. He cried into my shoulder, and I rubbed his back. Bonnie, Stefan and I were all closer to each other than with Elena and Damon. After an hour, he stopped crying.

I said, " Are you okay?"

He said, " I'm fine. I just can't believe she is gone."

I said, " I know."

His phone rang, and he ignored it. I said, " It's probably Elena. Go and tell her about Bonnie. She deserves to know."

We walked out of my study, and downstairs. Klaus came inside the house, and seen Stefan and I. He kissed my cheek and said, " Stefan, Mate, what are you doing here?"

Klaus put his arm around my back and Stefan looked between Klaus and I. He shook his head, and said, " Came to see, Caroline. It seems I missed a lot."

I said, " Go tell Elena and Damon about Bonnie. We can talk another time."

Stefan nodded, and walked out of the house.

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