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Elijah's POV
     I snapped her neck, before she could even talk anymore. I caught her lifeless body. I then carried her bridal style. I sped us to the house.

   I arrived, and Katerina seen Caroline lifeless in my arms. She said, " Did you actually talk to her, or just snap her neck?"

   I said, " I didn't feel like having time for her to escape. So, I snapped her neck."

   She smirked, and I walked down to the dungeon. I seen Kol snap Niklaus's neck. Kol turned and seen me. He said, " I thought talking would've took longer."

   I said, " We didn't talk."

  Kol smirked and said, " Ooohh! Elijah turning bad. Did you turn your humanity off?"

   I said, " Firstly, no. Secondly, I was annoyed mostly, about how Marcellus was flirting with her."

     Kol said, " Do you have feelings for Blondie?"

    I said, " No. I just don't think Marcellus should take advantage of her. She isn't in her right mind. Now help me chain her up."

     He nodded, and helped me chain her up beside Klaus. We just chained up her wrists to the ceiling. Then she started moving.

   She opened her eyes, and said, " Where am I?"

   Kol said, " Your in my bedroom, darling."

     Kol laughed and Caroline looked at us, and said, " Kol. Elijah. You snapped my neck!"

   I said, " So what?"

   She said, " You snapped my damn neck, Elijah!! When I get a hold of you, you are so damn dead."

    I said, " Get over it, Caroline. Also, I can't die. So have fun."

   Kol then grabbed a water bottle of vervain water, and started spraying it on Caroline. She screamed. Once Kol stopped, she said, " Why are you doing this?"

   I said, " Turn your humanity back on."

   She said, " No. I don't want to feel."

Kol said, " I guess we will just have to compel you."

   Caroline smirked and said, " Can't. I'm on Vervain."

Kol then grabbed a knife, and sliced her curated artery. She then started bleeding, I said, " Well, this should be fun."

       Kol stabbed her a couple times. We are going to bleed her dry of vervain. An hour later, Niklaus moved.

    He woke up, and looked around. He said, " Elijah. Kol. Caroline. What is she doing here?"

      I said, " Well, maybe you might turn on your humanity, or she should turn hers on."

    Klaus's POV
        I seen what Kol was doing to Caroline. He was stabbing and cutting her. I lightly growled, and Elijah and Kol looked at each other. Caroline screamed each time Kol stabbed her. It makes me want to kill him. Wait, that's an emotion. No, I can't be feeling.

    No, I refuse to feel, but seeing my love, like this. All bloodied it just makes me want to kill Elijah and Kol. I turned away, and Elijah grabbed the water bottle full of wolfsbane and vervain. He then poured it all over me.

    I groaned, and said, " Elijah!! I will kill you, once I get out of here."

     Elijah said, "You always threaten to kill us, every century. Yet you never go good on your threats."

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