Take Over and Death

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Caroline's POV
I woke up, and put on my strapless black dress, with my black leather jacket, and my black heels. I walked to the kitchen, and seen Kat. She was making pancakes. She looked at me, and smiled. She said, " Morning, sleepyhead."

I got some coffee, and sat down. I said, " Morning, Kat."

She just turned around, and finished cooking the pancakes. She passed me a plate with pancakes. I got some butter, and syrup. I spreaded the butter on my pancakes, and then poured syrup on them. I cut them up, and started to eat.

When breakfast was finished, I got a blood bag out of the fridge, and drank it. Kat said, " I almost forgot. We are going to the house, to say our goodbyes with Bonnie. Since, we can't after the spell is over."

I nodded, and threw my blood bag away. I said, " Last one there is a rotten blood bag."

Kat said, " Game on."

We giggled, and flashed out of the apartment and to the house. I arrived at the house, and didn't see Kat. That means I made it here first. I went inside, and seen Kat in the living room, on Elijah's lap.

I said, " Cheater!"

Kat smirked and said, " Sore Loser."

Elijah looked between us and said, " Did you two race again?"

I said, " Yes, and like always she gets here first!"

Elijah said, " Well, she is older than you."

I said, " She may be 500 years old, but if I get my math right you are a thousand years old. You are older than the rest of us."

Elijah said, " I may be a thousand years old, but I can still beat you."

I said, " Wanna bet?"

Kat got off of Elijah's lap. Elijah stood up, and said, " I do."

Klaus came in and said, " Children, calm down. Katerina and Caroline are here for Bonnie."

Elijah said, " She started it."

I said, " No. He started it."

Rebekah came in and said, " I don't care who started it. I'm finishing it. Now Bonnie is upstairs in her room waiting for Kat and Caroline."

I nodded, and said, " Elijah, we aren't done here."

Elijah nodded, and I walked passed Klaus, not even bothering looking at him. Kat came after me, and followed me upstairs. She said, " Whats that about?"

I said, " Whats what about?"

She said, " You didn't even look at Klaus, usually you are all bouncy, and happy when you are around him. Did I miss something?"

I said, " I will tell you another time."

She nodded, and we went into Bonnie's room. Her and Kol were looking thought the spell one more time. Bonnie and Kol looked at Kat and I. Kol got up, and said, " I will leave you girls, alone."

We nodded, and he left the room. Kat, and I sat down on Bonnie's bed, and Bonnie put the spell on the desk. She said, " So."

I hugged her, and said, " I'm going to miss you, Bon."

She said, " I'm going to miss you too. Just do something for me."

I said, " Anything."

She said, " I want you to be happy. I don't want you to feel like you shouldn't be. You should be happy. I don't want you to live your immortal life, without having a single bit of happiness."

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