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Caroline's POV
It has been a month, since I got my humanity back. Everything is good. I am happy. I am helping the Mikaelsons, Bonnie, and Kathrine with getting New Orleans back. Klaus and I are friends, same as Rebekah, Kathrine and me. We are friends. I have been going out on dates with Marcel, to get closer to him. Honestly, he really is obnoxious, and self righteous. The full moon is tomorrow night, that is when Bonnie is able to do the locator spell to finding this all powerful witch.

I have been staying in my apartment, trying not to raise suspicion that I am working with the Mikaelsons. If we need to talk, we meet somewhere outside of the quarter, except for Kathrine. We can meet anywhere, cause she is in Marcel's inner circle.

Anyway, I woke up, and put on my strapless blue dress, with my blue heels, and my black leather jacket. I then went to the kitchen and got a blood bag out of the fridge. Kathrine came out from her room, she stays here with me. I threw her a blood bag. We drank our blood bags, and then I made some coffee. Kathrine made some eggs, and bacon.

After we were done making breakfast and the coffee, we sat down at the island. We then ate our food. After we ate, I said, " I have to meet Marcel in an hour. What are you doing today?"

Kat said, " I am going to meet with Elijah, and tell him what information we have got so far."

I said, " Right."

Kat got up, and flashed out of the apartment. I sighed, and decided to read a book, till I had to g9 out with Marcel again.

Kathrine's POV
I flashed out of the apartment, and went to the plantation house. I went inside, and went to the living room. I sat down beside Elijah. Klaus came in and sat down. Kol said, " So, Katerina, what have you got?"

I said, " We think Marcel is having the girl somewhere in the quarter. He keeps his girls close to home, not too far away. That's why Caroline is staying in the quarter. I can't figure out which place in the Quarter. We also found out that Kol is an idiot."

Kol said, " Hey! You know you love me, Kitty Kat!"

I said, " Bite me."

Kol rolled his eyes, and Klaus said, " We are still going to need Bonnie for the locator spell, then."

Elijah said, " You haven't told Caroline yet? Have you, Niklaus?"

Klaus sighed, and Rebekah said, " Nik, I think Caroline has the right to know, her friend isn't going to live passed tomorrow night."

Klaus said, " She just got to being happy again. I don't want to see her anymore upset."

I said, " Klaus, Caroline needs to hear this from you. You need to tell her tonight. You can be there for her every step of the way."

Klaus huffed and said, " Fine. I will tell her tonight. Katerina, tell her to meet me here around 9."

I nodded, and then flashed out of the house. I flashed into the quarter and walked around.

Caroline's POV
I went to 'Rousseau's', where Marcel wanted to meet me. I went inside, and seen Marcel in a booth in the back. I sat down across from him.

     He said, " I took the chance and ordered for us, when I arrived."

    Our food came over, and it was burgers and fries. I said, " I love burgers. Thank you, Marcel."

    He smiled, and we ate our food, and talked. It was fun, but it just didn't feel right. I always sort of get a pit feeling in my stomach, each time I'm out with Marcel. I just don't know why.

    Four hours later, we finished our drinks, and I said, " I should go."

    He said, " Alright. Bye Caroline."

     I said, " Bye, Marcel."

    He kissed my cheek, and I walked out of the bar, and to the apartment. I walked inside, and seen Kat in the kitchen cooking.

     I sat down at the island, and said, " Whatcha making?"

   Kat said, " I'm making Spaghetti, and meatballs. How was your date?"

    I said, " A date that was four hours long. It wasn't even that good, and I don't like Marcel."

    Kat said, " I know you don't like Marcel. It's pretty obvious how you always come home, complaining about him. Oh, I almost forgot. Klaus wanted me to tell you, to meet him at the house around 9."

    I said, " What did he want to talk about?"

   She said, " I don't know. Foods done."

     I nodded, and I dished the spaghetti out on two plates, while Kat got the wine. We then sat down, at the island and ate dinner. It was great. Kat is a really good cook. Well, I mean 500 years of living, should make you good at something.

     After dinner, we got our showers, and changed into our pjs. We then sat down in the living room, and Kat turned on the tv. She said, " What do you want to watch?"

    I said, " Halloweentown."

     Kat groaned and said, " Why? We watched that 2 times already in the last month."

    I said, " It is an awesome movie. Turn it on."

  She sighed and turned it on.

    After the movie was over, we cleaned up the popcorn, and it was already 9. Kat said, " You better get going."

   I sighed and said, " Be back later."

   She nodded and I flashed out of the apartment. I arrived at the house, and went inside. Elijah was in the living room, he said, " Niklaus is upstairs in his study."

    I nodded, and sped upstairs to Klaus's study. I opened the door, and walked in. He was sitting on his couch, reading something. He looked up at me, and said, " Caroline."

   I said, " What did you need?"

    I sat down beside him, and he sighed. He said, " There's no easy way to saying this."

   I said, " Just say it."

    He said, " Bonnie is not going to live after the locator spell."

      I said, " What? Is there another way?"

    He said, " Kol and her have been locked up in the library looking through mothers grimoires. So far, nothing. This spell is going to take all of Bonnie's magic, to find this super witch. She wanted me to tell you. She just didn't know how to tell her best friend."

    I hugged him, and said, " Thank you, for telling me."

     He said, " Anytime, love."

      We pulled apart, and didn't realize how close we are. He went to lean in, but I turned my head away. I said, " Is that all you needed?"

    He said, " Yes, love. Just be sure to have Marcel in the Compound, occupied tomorrow night."

    I said, " Will do. Bye, Klaus."

   He said, " Bye, love."

     I flashed out of the house, and to my apartment. I went inside, and went straight to my room. I flopped head first on to my bed. Kat came in the room, and said, " Whats wrong?"

    I said, " Bonnie is going to possibly die tomorrow night, and there is nothing to stop it. I should've known sooner, so I would've tried to help."

    Kat came and sat next to me. She said, " Kol and Bonnie looked through every grimoires, there's nothing."

     I said, " Yeah, Klaus already told me."

    She said, " Its going to be alright. Bonnie doesn't want a tearful goodbye, either."

   I said, " Got it. Goodnight, Kat."

    She said, " Goodnight, Care."

    She left my room, and I huddled under the covers. Klaus and I almost kissed. It took me an hour, but I eventually found sleep.

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