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Caroline's POV
     It has been a month, since I told Klaus to turn his humanity off. We bump into each other every now and then. Kathrine, and the Mikaelsons had stopped trying to turn my humanity back on. Anyway, I woke up, and put on my black dress, and my black leather knee high boots. I then went to the kitchen, and grabbed a blood bag. I drank it all, and decided to go out for a bit.

      I sped outside of the building, and walked around. Hopefully, maybe find someone to eat, or something else to do.

Elijah's POV
     We finally found Niklaus. Rebekah, Kol and I are heading to this bar, out by the bayou. We walked in, and seen the place bloodied, and everyone dead. Niklaus threw the one guy against the wall, when we walked inside.

    He turned around, and said, " Elijah. Rebekah. Kol. What do you want?"

     I said, " Niklaus, we need your help to turn on Caroline's humanity."

   He said, " Why would I help you? I don't even care about Caroline. She wants it off, then leave it off. It's better off than on. Come on, Elijah. Turn it off. It will be fun, like old times."

    He walked towards me, and I said, "Niklaus. This isn't you."

   He said, " Of course, this is me. This is the real me. I'm a monster, like everyone thinks."

     He came to stand in front of me, and I said, " Niklaus."

     Rebekah and Kol then grabbed Niklaus's arms, and held him tight. I then snapped his neck. He fell to the floor, lifeless. Rebekah said, " That was easy."

     I said, " He will wake soon. We need to get him to the house, and chain him up."

   They nodded, and I picked up Niklaus and threw him over my shoulder. We then sped to the house. We arrived, and Niklaus hasn't awoken yet. I sped him to the basement, and there Katerina and Bonnie were.

     Kol helped me out the chains on Niklaus. We put one around his neck, and around his wrists. Bonnie did a spell to keep him chained there.

   She said, " Its done. He won't be able to get out of those chains."

    I nodded, and we went upstairs to the living room. We sat down, and Bonnie said, " How are we going to get Caroline?"

    Kol said, " Its not we. You aren't in on getting Caroline, darling."

    Bonnie said, " I'm fine."

   Kol said, " You need to rest, witchy. We need you to be at full power, by the time the full moon comes around. We need to find this all powerful witch."

    Rebekah said, " Bon Bon, go rest. We won't need you to keep Caroline down. She is easier to hold down, than Nik."

   Bonnie nodded, and went upstairs to her room. Katerina said, " So what's the plan?"

    I said, " The plan is for me to speak with her."

   Rebekah said, " This plan has to hold up, of you talking with her."

    I said, " Rebekah, Kol, and Katerina, you need to stay here, and make sure Niklaus stays weak."

   Kol said, " How the bloody hell are we supposed to do that?"

    I said, " There is wolfsbane and Vervain in the dungeon. Mix them, and he will be a little weaker."

   They nodded, and I decided to wait until dark to get Caroline.

Caroline's POV
     It was 7 PM, so I decided to go to 'Rousseau's'. I walked in, and sat at the bar. I told the bartender, " Bourbon."

   He went and grabbed me, my bourbon. He gave it to me, and I took a sip. Then Marcel sat next to me. He got his drink and said, " Caroline. Nice to see you."

   I said, " Marcel. What do you want?"

   He said, " I would like to know if you are responsible for the dead humans in 4 bars, in the last month."

   I said, " Why would you assume it would be me?"

   He said, " Your the new vampire in town."

   I said, " It wasn't me. I don't go to dirty, stingy bars. I like the jazz music."

   He said, " Great to know it wasn't you. Come with me."

    I said, " Why?"

  He said, " There's this new bar that opened. It has jazz music."

   I nodded, and we sped to this new bar. We arrived it was called, 'St. James Infirmary.'

    We walked in, and jazz was playing. We sat down at the bar, and got bourbons. We drank, talked, and listened to the jazz all night.

      I got up, and said, " I should go."

   He said, " Let me walk you."

   I said, " I can get there myself. Bye Marcel."

  He said, " Can I see you again?"

   I said, " Like a date?"

  He said, " Sure. Would you go out with me?"

   I said, " Maybe. I will let you know."

   He nodded, and I walked out of the bar. I sped to my apartment. I went inside, and went to my fridge. I grabbed a blood bag, and drank it. But then it burned, vervain. I spit it out, and soon the burning stopped.

     Then, there was a whoosh of wind. I turned around, and my front door was open. I then heard someone say, " Caroline."

    I turned around, and it was Elijah. I said, " Elijah."

   Then he snapped my neck.

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