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Caroline's POV
Stefan left the house. Klaus looked at me, and said, " How about I take you out tonight?"

   I said, " Yes."

   He said, " Meet you in the Courtyard at 5, love."

    He kissed my lips. We stood there for ten minutes making out. This is the first moment we got to spend together alone, since Klaus took over New Orleans. Klaus and Elijah have been busy lately.

    Someone cleared their throat, and we pulled apart. We turned and seen Davina and Elijah. Elijah said, " Niklaus, Come. We have business to attend to."

   Klaus nodded, and looked at me. I said, " Go."

    He pecked my lips, and said, " I promise to be here at 5. See you later, love."

    I nodded, and he went over to Elijah. Elijah and Klaus then walked out of the house. Davina said, " Hey, Care."

    I said, " Hey, Davina. What do you want to do today?"

    She said, " Could we go shopping?"

   I said, " Sure. Let me get Bekah, and Kat."

     I sped upstairs to Bekah's study. I went inside and said, " Beks, want to go shopping?"

   She looked up from the desk, and said, " Sure."

   She got her purse and went downstairs with Davina. I went into Kat's office, and said, " We are going shopping. Wanna come?"

   She said, " You know it."

   She grabbed her purse, and we sped downstairs to the courtyard. I said, " Let's go."

   They nodded, and we went outside. We got in my Jeep, and drove to the mall. On the way, Davina said, " So, Care. Is Klaus finally taking you out tonight?"

I said, " Yeah. It's our first date."

Kat, Davina, and Bekah squealed. Kat said, " Where to?"

I said, " I don't know. He didn't tell me."

Bekah said, " You need a great dress for tonight."

We laughed, and arrived at the mall. We walked inside, and started shopping. We went through a couple stores, then stopped for lunch. We shopped some more. We went into the last store, and looked through the evening dresses.

Bekah said, " Care, this is the one."

I walked over to her, and looked at it. Kat said, " Go try it on."

I took the dress, and went into the dressing room. I put on the dress, and walked out to show the girls. It was a light blue, off the shoulder, floor length dress, with flowers. The girls squealed.

I said, " Are you sure this isn't too much?"

Kat said, " Hell no."

Bekah said, " Knowing Nik, he is going to take you to a fancy restaurant. You mise, well look the part."

Davina said, " In the 2 weeks, that I lived with you. I can tell he likes you a lot, maybe even something more. You look beautiful."

I smiled, and went back into the dressing room. I put my clothes back on, and walked out. I paid for the dress, and we went out to my car. We drove home. It definitely feels like home.

We arrived home, and put our bags in our rooms. It was 4:30, so I decided to get ready. I got a shower, and then put on my dress, and then my matching light blue heels. I put my hair into a bun, and let a few strands fall beside my face. I put natural makeup on, and went downstairs to the courtyard. It is 5 and he isn't here, yet.

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