Damaged - IV

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Lizzie stared down at the crowd of people that Papa brought over. She didn't like big crowds, never did. Always just freaked her out. The music was very loud and she also didn't like that. She tried focusing on her book. Ms Moira had gotten her the book called Fancy Nancy and wanted her to read it, of course Lizzie had tried to read it, it'ss happy light and easy read and would help her with the dis-lexi-a. She sat on the bed she shared with her Papa, Moira thought that she should get her own room across from his, but it didn't work out like that. Lizzie did have her own room, she just, rarely used it.

"Mueller's car has been parked in the warehouse district of the Glades for 45 minutes," Oliver told Diggle as they went up to his room, showing the GPS.

"Yeah, that's a good place for an arms deal," Diggle says. "okay, since this is going down tonight what do we do, drop a dime on Mueller with the cops?"

"No, the man in the hood," Oliver says. "He's gonna stop them."

"Oliver, you can't leave the house," Diggle says.

"It doesn't have to be him," Lizzie says, looking towards them, her legs swinging back and forth on the chair she was sitting on. They both turned to her, a blank face but with a hit of pride in his eyes. Diggle had a look of confusion on his face that Lizzie recognized. "Papa m-may have st-tarted 'Th-th-the Hood', b-bad naming if you t-tell me, bu-but he do-doesn't always ne-ne-necessarily ha-have to be th-the one under-under the ho-hood."

Diggle looks back to Oliver, silently asking if she was right, he nods in comfermation. Diggle scoffs and shakes his head.

"That's why you threw this ridiculous party," Diggle says. "So you have a 100 witnesses placing you here at the house while I'm supposed to across town dress as a vigilante?"

"I thought it was gonna be good enough just for you to be seen in the hood," Oliver states to him. "I didn't count on Mueller showing up. And I didn't count the possibility that the Glades could be flooded with machine guns. Look... I promise, it was never my intention to put you in harm's way."

"Oliver, I didn't think joining your crusade was ever gonna be risk free. I just don't like being play," Diggle tells him. "Now you both might have gotten used to lying to everyone else in your life but I'm the one guy you both don't lie to."

"You're right," Oliver says after a second, deciding his words. "I'm sorry, we're sorry..... So am I going to jail?" Oliver turns around as Diggle is leaving the room. Dig turns around, facing him, but not after staring a moment at Lizzie who looked at him with wide, pleading eyes.

"No, man. I got to stop an arms deal," he says after a moment. Diggle was about to leave when Oliver stopped him. Dig stop, turning a little to face him.

"Take Lizzie with you," he says.

"Why?" Diggle asked.

"Because she can help you," Oliver says. Lizzie was already over by Diggle with her silver-grey fuzzy turtle neck zip-up jacket and bag with red aviators and brown boots with a denim skirt. She may have found Thea's old clothes and Moira may have bought her some to dress up like a doll. She grabbed Diggles hand, a smile on her face and pulling him out the door and starling Diggle. Dig looked back towards Oliver who had a slight smirk on his face as he turned around.


"Go-good job," Lizzie says over the comm set they both wore. She spun side to side in the chair before spinning in a circle. "Re-really be-be the vi-vigi-lan-lantiee. VIga-vigalantie? Viganlante," she repeated multiple times before she thought it sounded right. "Ho-how ar-are you-youu doing?"

"Lizzie, tell me where to go from here," Diggle says as he starts to leave.

"Yo-you can-can leave through an ex-exit to yo-you ri-right a few fe-feet away. Or you co-could go back th-the way you came," Lizzie says, looking at the map on the moniter in front of her. She didn't know it, but Diggle nodded in thanks as he starts to leave.


"Man in The Hood, one, gangbangers, zero," Diggle says through the phone.

"He-hey! I'm he-here too!" Lizzie says looking at him with her hands on her hips. Before Diggle could continue, he put him on hold. "I he-helped you! It's no-not all ju-just you."

"You're right, I'm sorry," Diggle says with a slight chuckle. Lizzie nods and turns away, arms now crossed and her head held up.


"Rough party," Oliver says as he turns around, facing Laural. Lizzie looks between the two with a odd look. She gets up, after her father sends her a look to leave and she pouted for a moment, taking her book she's been trying to read a left the room, not wanting to look at her yell at her Papa. She might put slime in Laural's drink the next time she see's her. She may or may not have found a prank book in one of her father's shelves and started reading it.

"My father told me what happened," Laural says, after Watching Lizzie leave. "are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Oliver says. "She doesn't know," he adds, referring to Lizzie.

"These are your polygraph results," she says, walking over and holding up papers. "My father asked you if you had been to Iron Heights. It's the prison where the vigilante saved me last week. It's also where you and I went on our eighth grade field trip. When you said that you had never been there I thought maybe you just nervous, or that you'd forgotten. But then I looked at your results and there is a slight flutter in your answer to that question. And if you lied on one you could have lied on others."

"What happened to me being too selfish to be a masked crusader?" Oliver asks, not making eye-contact.

"Oliver! I saw your scars, and maybe Lizzie has them too," she says. Oliver walks over silently, still looking slightly away until he is in front of her.

"Do you wanna know why I don't talk about what happened to me and Lizzie there?" Oliver asks softly, Laural looks to the ground, eyes glistening. "Because if people knew, if you knew... you'd see us differently. And not as some vigilante guy. As damaged. I don't sleep, Lizzie rarely does. I barely eat, and I have to coax her into eating at least half of her meal. I can barely sign my name, and Lizzie doesn't even know how to write, let alone aim a bow and arrow."

"After last night... clearly we're still attracted to one another," Laural changes the subject. "... nothing can ever happen between us."

"I know," Oliver says after a moment. She stares him in the eyes as she hands him the results of the polygraph as she turns and leaves. 


I'm back! I know, I know. It's very, very, very late. Well, I just got back from a vacation/medical trip. I got good news! I show signs of growing out of my JIA, its arthritis or a sister to it, and like 1 in 1,000 kids in the US. I'm one of the lucky few! Yay me -_-. But still good news. But I'm back and still updating and now have a few more idea's for this. But your ideas are appreciated if you want to tell me them for this book.

So anyway, have a good time wherever you are!

Peace out ~ Bella!

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