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Chapter five is ready, you can comment what do you want.


For days it has not felt as calm as now, with the arrival of Aang and the new minister, it seemed that everything had relaxed a bit among the inhabitants of the republic city.

- How is the day, gentlemen? Have you done what I asked you? - Asked Toph as she entered the police office.

Toph only heard sounds of affirmation, everyone seemed asleep. She limited herself to claiming them since it was very early in the morning, she knew there was no need to make a show for that; Her Benders had done a very good job lately. Without a doubt, naming her Chief of Police was one of the council's greatest successes.

—"I should visit Aang and Katara," — Toph told herself somewhat thoughtfully. Those two had a beautiful relationship, although she was a little sorry for how they showed their affection, they didn't stop being her friends and seeing how close they were made her very happy.

Deep down, Toph wished she could find a good man, hang out with, date once in a while and, who knows? ... maybe start a family.

Quickly those thoughts were gone, Toph wanted that, but refused to accept it.

— My work is enough — she said while proposing to visit her friends.

—"Chief Beifong! An attack has occurred in the North Zone of the city," — one of the officers mentioned behind the door.

Damn, just when I start to relax these things happen.

Quickly Toph took several Metal-Benders with her. - What happened? Toph asked one of them.

— A supply store called for help, but communication was quickly cut off. —

I mentioned to Sokka that we needed more security in that sector. — thought.

— They must be the same gangs as always, it can't be that they continue to elude us. We will finish them off as soon and find them. — Toph answered annoyed.

Once they got to the place, everything looked different from how she imagined it.

What the hell happened here? —thought. Gangs are groups of Non-benders who attack to take money, jewelry, valuables, etc ... This, this is different.

There was ice on the ground and the doors were on fire.

— What happened? - Toph asked the owner of that place who was receiving attention.

—"T-There were two subjects, a firebender and a waterbender ... I think," said that subject, struggling to breathe.

— Do you think? - Toph questioned before that doubt.

— Yes I think. Towards strange movements, they did not seem to correspond to those of a Waterbender, when I wanted to face them, I simply fell to the ground, and did not know what happened next.

It was strange. After analyzing the place, they realized that they had only taken food and some money. Everything valuable that the place possessed was left intact. - This is wrong, what reasons would those benders have to attack a store and not take the valuable items from it? - About what happened with the Waterbender, she was not very worried, perhaps the victim, amidst despair, could not concentrate on the movements that she made.

— Those assailants left without a trace and incidentally left the only witness unconscious. "Next time we'll be more than ready," Toph told her officers, leaving the rest of the matter to the appropriate people. They no longer had anything to do there.

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