Clary's Dream

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This is my first fanfiction and I hope you enjoy it. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the character's in this story. This is in honor of the Shadowhunter series and the Mortal Instruments books that I enjoyed so much. Thank you.

Jace was on patrol tonight so I decided to go to bed early. I want to be able to be awake when he gets home from patrol. After all we have been through and my being lost for a whole year without remembering my Jace, we have been spen isding every spare minute together. We are inseparable and do as many things as we can do together and kiss a lot. We never get tired of kissing each other. Izzy says that when we are kissing, they can't even fit a piece of paper between the two of us. I have been having these dreams that are beginning to seem more like visions. I thought this was over of having visions about war and evil. They have recently come back and each time it seems more clear and more vivid. I am hoping that it will not come tonight.

I am at the Burrens in Idris, a place I have never been to, but is was so clear that I was able to draw it. When Jace saw my drawing, he recognized the place and told me what it was. He asked how did I know when I have never been to this place while visiting Idris. I just did not know. Jace is on the ground with his hands and feet restrained with manacles. He is struggling to crawl towards me. I am lying on the ground a few feet away from Jace, also with my hands and feet restrained in the same manner. A hooded figure is standing over me holding a dagger in his hand. The figure pulls down his hood and is my brother Jonathan. He's dead! How could this be? He turns to face Jace and starts to say something.

"Clary! Jace screams while struggling to crawl towards me.

"Jace Herondale, now your are going to witness Clary's death and you are going to know how it feels to lose the one person you love the most. You are going to feel my pain when you took my Clary, my queen, away from me. You are going to live for the rest of your life remembering that you were not able to safe her."

Jonathan, please, do not do this. I do know how it feels to lose her. I lost her for a year when Raziel punished her by taking her memories of me and the Shadow World. I did not know if she would ever remember me. Yes, I lived without Clary for a year, suffering to see the person I wanted but could not have. You are her brother, Jonathan, she loves you."

"That is not the love that I want from her. I wanted her, lusted for her, wanted her in my arms. You took her away from me. Made her want you and no one else. For that you must pay."

Clary looked at Jonathan and tried to talk to him.

"Jonathan, you are my brother, and I love you so much. I cannot love you the way you want me to because it is wrong. I have always seen you as my big brother and have always loved you as one."

"I do not love you Clary, not any more."

Jonathan held the dagger in his hand and plunged it into my chest. I felt a searing pain like no other pain I have ever felt before. The biggest pain I felt was the way Jace screamed. It was like he too was stabbed in the chest. I looked at Jace and screamed out, "I love you, Jace!"Jonathan started laughing as he rolled me over the edge of the cliff. The last thing I saw before I fell into the blackness of death was Jonathan laughing. This is when I wake up screaming. I sat up in bed drenched in sweat and looked at my chest. I was breathing hard barely able to catch my breath. Jonathan is alive. My brother is out there somewhere alive. This is a clear vision that he is going to come for me to kill me and wants Jace to witness it. I will not, can not, allow Jace to go through this. I have to get away from Jace in order to protect him. There is no way I am going to let Jace see me die. There is no coming back this time. No angel to save me. This is inevitable. This task is going to be so hard because I love Jace so much. I have never loved anyone like I love Jace. We are bonded by out angelic blood and as soulmates. That is why our separation hurts so much. Jace walked in the room and saw me sitting up. He smiled that beautiful smile of his that lit up his eyes. He walked over and pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

"Hey beautiful! I thought you were sleeping. This is a nice surprise. I just couldn't sleep and decided to wait for you to come home."

I took Jace into my arms and kissed him. He went and took a shower and came back in the room with just a towel wrapped around him. I looked at him in awe. Jace is so beautiful and he is mine. I want to enjoy him one last time before I walk out of his life forever. I bit my lip as he dropped his towel and climbed under the sheets. He was surprised to find me naked under the sheets waiting for him. He took me in his arms and kissed me. I deepened the kissed and pushed myself hard against him. We got lost in the bliss of love making and when we laid in each other's arms and out of breath, I realized how much I was going to miss this, miss him. We both drifted of to sleep after kissing each other again.

If you like my story, don't forget to Vote and Comment on my story. This is how I will be able to improve my stories. I am currently working on a new Clace story. Please I will appreciate all your votes and comments. Thank you.

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