Chapter 11:The Final Decision

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My desire to see Jace has really complicated things. I am at fault that Isabeau fell and now she is confined to bedrest for the rest of her pregnancy. Jace has to be taking care of her now in her delicate condition. It was really selfish of me to want Jace back now that I know that Isabeau and him love each other. They are going to have a baby. Why would I want to destroy that? I will stay away from Jace while I am here.

The months have passed and Isabeau is due any day now. I have been the model husband, waiting on her like if she was a queen. I want her to see that I do love her and our baby. What I feel for Isabeau is a different kind of love from what I felt for Clary. I was laying in bed with her in my arms while she slept. She woke up because she had to go to the bathroom. I got up to get dressed so that I can run and get her some breakfast when I heard her call my name. I went into the bathroom and she was standing over a puddle of thick liquid.

"Jace, my water just broke, which means I am going into labor."

"Let me help you get cleaned up and changed before I take you to the infirmary."

I went into the room to get a change of clean clothes for her and text everybody to let them know that the baby was coming. I took the change of clothes and helped wash up and change. Scooping her into my arms, I took the elevator to the infirmary and met our medic there. Isabeau was having strong contractions and after a couple of hours in labor, the baby was finally coming.

"Jace, when I tell Isabeau to take a deep breath, hold it and push, I want you to to sit her up so that she can."

"I can't do this. I am so tired, Jace."

"Yes, you can baby. We can do this, together. I am here to help you."

Isabeau kept pushing until we heard some cries. Our son was here!

"Oh, Isabeau, our son is so beautiful! He has my hair and your eyes."

The medic cleaned the baby up and wrapped him in blanket, then handed him to Isabeau. She looked at the baby with a big smile on her face.

"You are right Jace. He has a little bit from me, but I think he has more of your looks. Do you want to hold your son?"

I picked up my son and held the tiny bundle against my chest. I couldn't help the tears that were running down my face as I held my son in my arms. I bent and kissed Isabeau on the top of her head.

"Baby, thank you for giving me a son. He is so beautiful. I promise that I will always protect him until my last breath. The both of you are my life."

The family started walking in to congratulate us and see the new addition to our family. The medic said that Isabeau was ready to return back to our room, so Izzy and Alec help to carry the flowers and gifts to our room. Once I had Isabeau settled down, I decided that I need to talk to Clary one more time. I went to her old room and found her there packing her things. I grabbed her by the arm and made her follow me up to the roof so that we can talk.

"Clary, I have some things I have say to you so I just want you to hear me out. I was really happy to see you and when you ran into my arms, the old memories of us flooded back and that's when I kissed you. On the roof, when you said that you left in order to protect me, I felt that you really meant well, even though you chose to keep things a secret. When I kissed you and you wrapped yourself around me, all those feelings came flooding back again. In that moment, I wanted you like I never wanted you before and if Isabeau wouldn't have come up to the roof, I am not sure what would have happened. At that moment, I was blinded by my old feelings and thought that you were still the only thing I wanted in my life. This morning, when Isabeau went into labor, and I saw my son born, the truth hit me really hard and I knew then and there what I wanted. I loved you, Clary, you were my first love. You helped me tear down all those walls I had around my heart, and for that I thank you. Now, my true love is my wife, Isabeau, and my new born son. I love her and I will never leave her or my son. She has been my strength for the last two years and has stuck to me through everything I went through after losing you. She earned my love and my respect. I am staying with my wife and son. This is the life I chose two years ago and I will never change it for anything in this world. I am so sorry, Clary, but what was between us is gone and we can never go back."

"Jace, I understand. It was selfish of me to want you back, but I have seen how happy you are with Isabeau and that is all I ever wished for you. I gave you my blessing two years ago to go on with your life and you did. I am leaving back to the Paris Institute knowing that you are happy. Like you said, you were my first love too. I will always love you, Jace Herondale. Now, go back to your wife and son. Goodbye Jace."

As I turned around I saw the roof door closing. Isabeau, again. I opened the door and was ready to run down the stairs, when I found her sitting on the top of the stairs.

"Were you hearing our conversation?"

"Yes, Jace, I heard everything. I love you so much and I will never leave you."

"So, this means you are not going back to Idris?

"No, I'm not. We will be making that trip together, so that my parents can meet our son. Speaking of which, we need to get back to him before aunt Izzy and uncle Simon spoil him rotten."

Isabeau took my hand, enlacing our fingers together and pulled me down the stairs. We went into our room and and I grabbed my son out of my sister's arms and held him closed to me. I put my arm around Isabeau as I held my son in the other arm and kissed her. This is where I belong now with my beautiful wife Isabeau and our beautiful son which we named Stephen Alexander Herondale.

The End

Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed my first story published on Wattpad. I hope you will comment and tell me what you think for future stories. Please do not forget to vote.  The story continues with Second Chance at Love. Five years later, Isabeau dies from demon poisoning. Clary returns to New York a year after Jace becomes a widower and bumps into his five year old son. Jace sees her and is surprised that she will be staying at the Institute permanently. Clary is still in love with Jace and has never moved on. Will Jace and Clary rekindle their love again? You must read Second Chance at Love to find out.

Thank you for reading it.

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