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I ran to my room and took a quick shower. I have a new green dress that I have not worn that I am sure he will like. I applied my makeup and made my eyes smoky. I applied lipstick in a deep wine color hoping that I taste like a glass of wine to him. There was a knocked on the door but I am sure that is Jace.

"Isabeau, you look amazing! Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, I am. I had a little trouble hiding a seraph dagger wearing this dress."

"I will protect you. You have nothing to worry about."

If Isabeau is trying to impress me, she really did. She looks absolutely beautiful. Am I falling for her? Is there a mutual attraction between the two of us. We started dancing the minute we walked in to Pandemonium. Isabeau is so relaxed and comfortable with me. She's an amazing dancer and every man on the dance floor was looking at her, but she is with me. After several drinks and hours of dancing, we were ready to go home. We started walking home holding hands and the "Us" conversation came out of nowhere. Isabeau must have been thinking about the same thing I have been thinking.

"Jace, can we talk about...?"


"Well, we have been going out a lot and we have been having a lot of fun. I am getting the impression that you actually like me, It does not feel like we are going through the motions of an arranged relationship. Can you be honest with me and tell me how you feel right now about all of this?"

I just looked at her, held her beautiful face between my hands and kissed her. She got closer to me and put her hands around my neck while running her finger through my hair. I deepened the kiss and she moaned in my mouth. That moan drove me to pulling her closer to me. Then I ended my kiss gently so that I can talk to her.

"Isabeau, when Clary and I broke up, my heart broke and I thought that there will never be anyone else. You came into my life and everything changed. You have stirred something within me that I thought would be lost forever. I am not sure what it is yet, but we will find out together. One thing I do know is that I want you."

I took her hand in mine and we walked towards the institute. Isabeau was quiet but never let go of my hand. We arrived at her room, but she pulled me towards mine. We went into my room and I locked the door behind me. She turned and faced me.

"I want you too. I know what my feelings are for you. I am falling in love with you. For the first time in my life, I am feeling love. I thought that I was going to go into a loveless marriage, but I was wrong. In the last three weeks we have found that we have feelings for each other and we should thank the angel that something good is going to come out of this arrangement."

"Do you really love me?"

"Yes, I think I do."

She has fallen in and I think I love her too. Could this really be love or am I lusting for her because she is beautiful? After Clary, I did not think I could ever feel this way again. She is tearing the wall down that I have been trying to build around my heart. I took her in my arms and kissed her.

"I just want to sleep in your arms tonight just to see how it feels. Are you alright with just holding me tonight?"

"That is fine with me if that is what you want."

We undressed and we both kept our underwear on. It was so tempting to just make love to her but I will not rush into this. It has been a while since I held Clary in my arms when I fell asleep and I miss that. We got under the sheets and she laid her head on my chest. We drifted off to sleep holding each other. We were woken up by a knock on my door. I got up and put a pair of sweats on and went to answer the door to find my sister standing there.

What is it, Izzy?

"Imogen has just arrived and is looking for you and Isabeau. I went to her room but she's not there. Could she?

Izzy pushed her way into my room to find Isabeau asleep in my bed and she smiled.

"By the angel, you are attracted to her. I knew that this would somehow work out."

"Izzy, please. Just go and tell Imogen we will see her at the office in twenty minutes. And before you even jump to conclusions, no, nothing happened. We just slept that is all."

I pushed Izzy out of the room and woke Isabeau up. She opened her eyes and smiled at me.

"Good morning. Sorry to wake you but Imogen is here asking for us. I sent message that we will meet her at the office in twenty minutes and that was about two minutes ago."

"Great. She is probably here to hear our report on us. I wish that everyone would just disappear and let us develop our relationship on our own."

Well let's make an appearance and then run out with the excuse that we have made plans."

"Jace, you just think of everything. I like that."

Isabeau went to her room to change and I got dress. I walked out of my room and headed to the office. Isabeau caught up to me and we both entered the office to see what Imogen wants.

"Hello Imogen. Izzy told me that you wanted to see us. "

"Yes, I wanted to see how things are progressing between the two of you. The wedding is next week and most of the preparations are ready. You need to be ready to leave for Idris in two days, after all, Isabeau has to be there for her dress fitting and you have to meet her family to make everything official."

"Well Imogen, I am glad to report that I have been a total gentleman and am keeping my end of the bargain ."

"Yes, Jace has been great and keeping me constantly busy on dates and outings."

"So, you too getting along then?"

"Yes we are Imogen. You do not have to worry about us because we are managing our engagement fine."

"Well, I am leaving then. I will see you in Idris in two days."

"Goodbye, Imogen, we will see you there."

We held hands as we walked out of the office and Imogen followed us to see how we were acting and saw us holding hands. We decided to go out for a walk until we were sure that Imogen have left for Idris.

"Is this what we are going to face when we arrive to Idris and meet your parents? I am nervous with everything as it is. I do not want any unnecessary pressure added."

"My parents are not as bad as Imogen. They arranged this marriage, but they have been hoping that we do actually hit it off and fall in love."

"I am glad go hear that because the pressure is killing me. Why don't we get something to eat before we go home."

"That's great! I am getting hungry. I can't believe that we walked the day away."

We went to Taki to eat and have a few drinks. We had a really good time. We held hands as we walked home. We went to the living quarters but I decided to bring her into my room. I locked the door and secured it with a locking rune. I do not want Izzy barging into the room. I also used a silence rune. I took her into my arms and kissed her. She moved closer in an deepen the kiss so deep she made me moan in her mouth. I wanted her. Could this be possible after Clary? It has to be because I am getting married and she is not coming back. I need to go on with my life. I slid my hand under her shirt and started feeling her soft skin and she moved closer to me and moaned in my mouth and made me shudder.

"I want you Isabeau. Do you want me the same way I want you?"

"Yes", she whispered.

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