Chapter 9: Our New Life

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One Year Later

I saw Izzy walking up to me in a rush and was wondering what is wrong.

"Hey, Jace. Isabeau wants you to meet her in the greenhouse now. She needs to talk to you."

"Do you know what is going on? What is all this secrecy."

"I do not know. Go to her, Jace, do not keep her waiting."

I walked off towards the greenhouse wondering what is all the secrecy. Isabeau can talk to me anywhere, so why wait until now and in the green house away from everyone. I walked into the greenhouse and Isabeau was there sitting on a blanket with some food and a bottle of champagne. Our first anniversary already past and it is not my birthday. All well, I guess she will tell me. She looked up as soon as she felt me near her and smiled. I dropped next to her and pecked her on the lips.

"What is all this? Did I forget an event?"

"No, darling. I just have something to tell you."

"What is it? Tell me."

"Jace, I am pregnant! We are having our first baby!"

"What did you just say? You are pregnant? Are you sure?"

"Oh, you are not happy."

"No, I mean yes I am. This is a wonderful surprise! I am going to be a father! In love you so much, Isabeau."

"I love you too. We are finally having a family."

This is all wonderful. A big surprise finding out about Isabeau's pregnancy. Now I have my little family to protect. I never thought that all that has happened to me in a year. I pulled her into my lap and kissed her. Then we sat and ate the beautiful lunch she had prepared for my surprise. Life cannot get any better.

Six Months Later

"You get dress and I will meet you in the kitchen. I will have some food for you when you get down there."

"Thanks, Jace. I will not be take that long to get dress."

Jace has turned out to be a wonderful husband. He really loves me and the baby. I never thought that we would reach where we at now since I was not his first love after all, but he overcame that. I finished getting dress and waddled down the stairs. Yes, waddled after all I am five months pregnant and getting huge by the day. In walked into the kitchen and as promised Jace has lunch ready for me. I kissed him on the cheek as I sat down to eat.

"You go ahead and eat. I need to go talk to Izzy a minute about the patrol roster. I will be right back."

As I was walking towards the office, I saw a familiar face I have not seen in over a year. This is not right. I am seeing things. She cannot be here. This must be someone else but as she got closer to me, I knew that it was her.  She ran to me and threw herself into my arms her head against my chest. I stood there not knowing what to do, but my body betrayed me and my arms went around her holding her tight in place. I put my chin on top of her head like I used to do.  No, this cannot happen. I am married now and have a pregnant wife. I pushed Clary away. I became angry with her for all that has happened in the past year.

"Clary, you should not have come back. You should not have touched me. What was between us, could no longer happen. I am married, have been for the past year."

"Jace, I am so sorry. I could not help myself because I missed you so much."

Before I could say what I wanted to say, Isabeau walked up to me and put her arm around my waist and kissed me on the cheek.

"Jace, who is your friend? I do not believe we have met."

"Clary, I want you to meet my wife, Isabeau."

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