Imogen's Order

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Imogen arrives to the institute unannounced and heads straight to Izzy's office. My sister was Alec's successor when he became the new inquisitor upon Imogen's retirement. Clary and I go into the office to greet her. After a brief conversation, she asked Clary to step out of the office because she had something to discuss with me. I kissed Clary on the forehead and she walked out closing the door behind her. I took a deep breath to prepare myself for whatever she had to say to me. Imogen sat behind the desk and asked me to take a seat across from her. She looked at me and smiled.

"You still remind me of Stephen and Celine so much. I see more of them now that you are older. You are what, twenty-five now?"

"Yes, I am." I answered still wondering what this is all about.

"Jace, you and your cousin Christopher, are the last of the Herondale bloodline. I am not getting any younger and would love to enjoy being a great-grandmother before I die and to see the Herondale line continue. Christopher is still a child so I really can not count on him for now. You on the other hand are at the age to be married and starting a family. I have come to a strong decision and I want to discuss it with you."

I moved forward in my chair, leaning my arms on the edge of the desk, ready to say something. Imogen raised her hand to stop me from saying anything.

"I know what you are going to say, but Clary does not want to marry you, Jace. Yes, I have heard about it, after all I do have sources here at the institute. There is a good standing Shadowhunter family in Idris who have a beautiful twenty-three year old unmarried daughter. She is beautiful, intelligent, and a highly trained soldier just like you, Jace. She even has the same love for the seraph blades that you have. A perfect match if I say so myself. The family are dedicated and loyal to the clave. Her parents have agreed that the union of both of our families will further our power and prestige. Jace, you are now engaged to Isabeau Dragonway."

I could not believe what I was hearing. Imogen has arranged a marriage between me and some girl I do not know. She knows that I have been with Clary for five years now and we love each other. I shot out of the chair sending it crashing to the floor. I love Clary and wonder what she is going to say when she hears what this lunatic is planning. My grandmother has lost her damn mind.

"No, this is not going to happen. I love Clary and we will get married when she is ready to do so. I am in no rush to have a family. You are not going to force me into this marriage. Have you really lost your mind? Do you think that if my parents, your son Stephen, would allow this?"

"Jace, I can and have arranged this marriage. I am the matriarch of this family and you will do as I ask with no questions asked. What I expect from you is to do what is right for our family and our bloodline. As the oldest male Herondale, that can continue our bloodline, you are expected to honor this arrangement without any further arguments."

"Imogen, you are being unreasonable. You are asking me to give up the woman I love, the woman that I am bound to by the shared angel blood, my soulmate. All this for a girl that I do not know, for family prestige or obtaining more power!"

"She will arrive tomorrow morning at ten. You will pledge yourself to her and present her with our family ring. You have a month to get to know each other and at the end of the month, you will go to Idris to be married. I am sure that you and Isabeau will fall in love and be happy. I was very careful in selecting your future bride. A perfect match if I say so myself."

"Please, I cannot do this. Do not ask me to hurt Clary this way."

"You will end your relationship with Clary tonight. This is not a request, Jace. You can and you will do as I have asked."

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