Our First Night

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What is this feeling I feel for her? All I know is that I want her right now. I need to make sure that I am thinking of her first before my needs. These feelings cannot be pushed without taking into consideration on how this is going to affect Isabeau.

"Are you sure about this, Isabeau. I do not want to push you into something you are not ready for."

"I am ready for this. My first time should be with someone special that I love and I do love you Jace. Besides, we are getting married next week."

She pulled me back to her and kissed me. Each kiss was different, each rising higher and higher like a spark of fire. I started removing her clothes and stopped at each item to make sure she was comfortable with it and she nodded each time that it was. She was also removing my clothes, an item at a time. Finally, we are standing at the bottom of the bed, she in panties and bra, me in boxer shorts. I scooped her into my arms and laid her on the middle of the bed gently. My hands were gentle on her body as I caressed her. I kissed her lips, her neck running down and up it, reaching her lips again. My emotions were stirring deep within me with each kiss. My hand went to her back and I started to unhook her bra. Again, I stopped to look at her to make sure that she was comfortable with what I was doing. She nodded her head yes again. So I removed it. All that was left of our clothes were gone and all that was left was skin on skin. I took my time because I knew it was her first time. I positioned my self and started to enter her a little at a time. Isabeau flinched a little and I froze looking into her eyes to see if she was alright.

"If you want me to stop, I will."

She pulled me and kissed me and then I was inside her and we became one and after thrusting her, an explosion went through both our bodies and she moaned into my mouth which made me lose control and explode with a large moan.

"I love you." I whispered without realizing that it came out of me.

Isabeau stiffened a little but relaxed right away. I am not sure if she heard me, but I think she did. We laid in each others arms both breathless. Isabeau was running her fingers back and forth on my chest and finally looked up at me.

"Jace, did I hear you say you love me?"

I swallowed hard and looked into her sparkling gray eyes and did not have a choice but answer her.

"Yes, Isabeau, I think I love you."

She looked at me and smiled.

"I wasn't expecting you to say those words to me. I understand that you said in the heat of passion."

"No, I would not say something that I don't mean. I never knew that I could fall in love twice, but it has happened. You have stir feelings that I thought died when Clary left me."

I pushed myself up so that I can kiss her again.

"I do mean it."

She laid in my arms, closed her eyes, and slowly fell asleep with a smile on her lips. I watched her sleep until I drifted off to sleep with Isabeau in my arms.

I woke up wrapped in Jace's arms. I looked at him while he slept and seen how beautiful he is. His hair is as golden sunshine and his eyes are beautiful one blue, one brown with blue around it. His body is toned and has muscles in his arm. He is just perfect. He can be mine if I want him to be. Maybe this arrangement led me to the one that I am meant to be with. He did say he thinks he loves me. I laid back on the pillow and everything that happened last night started to flash before my eyes. Jace was so gentle with me. Every caress made me feel things I never felt before. Each kiss felt like I was on fire. Feelings and emotions were like small explosions getting bigger and louder by the second. In one moment, I felt a slight pressure and I flinched. Jace froze and looked into my eyes to make sure I was okay, but I pulled him into my arms and kissed him, reassuring him that it was alright. I felt Jace trembled when I moaned on his lips and that sent an explosion through him. When he was able to stop shuddering, he laid on top of me and whispered, "I love you." into my ear. I stiffened when I heard those words but relaxed right away before he noticed my reaction. He took my mouth in his and kissed me softly, then rolled on his side pulling me into his arms. I started running my fingers up and down his chest and decided that I needed to ask him.

"Jace, did I hear you say that you love me?"

I saw him swallow hard but looked into my eyes and I could tell that he was serious.

"Yes, Isabeau, I think I love you."

I told him not to say it if he did not mean it. I understand if he said it in the heat of passion. He said that he would not say something he did not mean. He said I bring out feelings in him that he thought were dead. Then he pushed himself up and kissed me and pulled me back to his chest. I had a smile on my lips as I drifted peacefully to sleep. Jace Herondale loves me! I was awoken with kisses from Jace and he rolled on top of me again. He entered me easily now and even though I felt sore, it was much smoother than the first time. Now I felt each thrust, harder, deeper, and faster than the first time. There were feelings if ectasy that made me shudder and moan. I grabbed his shoulders and started moving with him, matching his thrust. Suddenly, I felt a heat running through my body that made me scream out his name and it made his thrust faster and he started to moan as he exploded inside me and he called out my name before crushing his lips to mine. He ran his strong hands through my body, but his touch was gentle. After a few minutes, he pulled out of me and laid on his back breathing hard. This is our first step of forever!

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