Our First Outing

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Jace asked me if I wanted to get into a more comfortable walking outfit and I agreed that it would be better if I did change. He waited outside the room while I went to put on a pair of jean and top. I decided to wear my comfortable walking boots and of course took one of my blades and stele. He held my hand while we were walking through the city and he pointed different things out to me. 

"The city is so beautiful, but a lot different from Alicante."

"Yes, it is. I still miss Idris. It will always be my home."

"How long have you been away from home?"

"Well its been fifteen years that I have lived there, but I have been to Alicante for different events or missions."

"Tell me about your life since you left Idris."

"Well, I was adopted by the Lightwoods, so I have two brothers and a sister. My older brother, Alec, is my parabatai. We are a very close family. How about you and your family?"

"I have three brothers, two older and one younger. I have been raised strictly as a Shadowhunter and dedicated to the Clave. My training and missions have not given me free time to have a relationship. In a matter of fact, you have been the first guy to take me out with out being on patrol or a mission. Besides, I do not think we would be alone if my brothers were here.. They are all over-protective of me. You were so lucky to have fallen in love because I have not had the opportunity to experience it."

" Well, I am going to do my best to impress you. I know that our meeting was not under acceptable circumstances. An arrangement between your family and Imogen is not my idea on asking a girl out. We will make the best of this situation and hopefully become friends."

"I hope so too. I do want to apologize for all of this. My family have been trying to push me into finding a husband, but all I did was throw myself more into the job. This is something that I wanted to do on my own and in my own time. Now that I met you, I am glad it happened this way."

He held my hand the entire time we walked and talked. Jace is really an amazing guy. I wouldn't mind getting to know him more. We walked back towards the Institute and it ended up being a very nice day.

Isabeau is great. She is beautiful, smart, and easy to talk to. I got to admit, Imogen could have done worse in her choice of a girl. Maybe this engagement will not be so bad. We walked back to the Institute and I walked her to her room. She thanked me for a wonderful day. It seems she really liked our time out. I was ready to walk away but backed up and held her beautiful face in my hands and kissed her. It felt natural, like this was right. Maybe I am meant to belong to her and things will work right between us. When I turned around, Izzy was standing there. She seen me kiss Isabeau.

"Izzy, how long have you been standing there?"

"Do you mean if I saw you kiss her? Yes, I did."

"I do not understand what is happening to me. I feel like I am cheating on Clary but at the same time, it feels like Isabeau is right for me. Am I such a horrible man, kissing another woman barely a day after a breakup with a long time girlfriend?"

"No Jace, you are not. Clary is my best friend and I love her, but she made her choice. She is the one that walked out on you without giving you a reason. I do not agree with what Imogen did, but she did present you with an opportunity to move on."

"Izzy, I feel like I am using Isabeau to move on. This is not the right thing to do. It is not fair to Isabeau."

"Can I ask you something, Jace. When you kissed Isabeau just now, were you kissing Isabeau or were you kissing Clary? Who was on your mind in that moment?"

"I was kissing Isabeau. I did not think of Clary until I saw you there watching me. Then the guilt hit me. Today, walking around with Isabeau, cleared all thoughts of Clary. Is it wrong? Did I really love Clary? Because if I did how can I kiss someone else so soon."

"Jace, you did not do anything wrong. Clary told you to move on. You need to move on because you are engaged to Isabeau now. You are committed to this arrangement and the best you can do is make the best of it."

Well two weeks have gone by and it has been great. Isabeau and I have been out on dates and we are having fun together. Can our relationship become a normal one? One that is because we want it to be, not because our families arranged it? Tonight will be a revelation for me to see if we are ready to have a real relationship based on how we feel about each other and not on our family demands. 

Jace has been absolutely wonderful. He has been doing his best of making me have fun on our dates. I enjoy my time with him and I actually miss him when he is not around me. Am I falling for him? Am I falling in love with him? This is all scary for me because he has been the first man I have kissed or even been close to that is not a partner on patrol. I guess I can only hope for the best and just let things happen. 

"Isabeau, I hope you like like music and dancing because I am taking you to Pandemonium."

"I love to dance. Is this a mundane club?"

"Actually, Downworlders hang out there too. You'll like it. Magnus owns the place."

"Well I trust you with the choices your are making. So far you have not been wrong about a place. I guess I need to change then. Are we going to get a bite first before we go? I have not eaten dinner yet."  

"Sure we can do that. How long do you need to get ready?"

"Give me twenty minutes."

I ran to my room and took a quick shower. I have a new green dress that I have not worn that I am sure he will like.  I applied my makeup and made my eyes smoky. I applied lipstick in a deep wine color hoping that I taste like a glass of wine to him.  There was a knock on the door but I am sure that is Jace.

"Isabeau, you look amazing! Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, I am. I had a little trouble hiding a seraph dagger wearing this dress."

"I will protect you. You have nothing to worry about."

If Isabeau trying to impress me, she really did. She looks absolutely beautiful. Am I falling for her? Is there a mutual attraction between the two of us?

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