Isabeau Dragonway

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Well this is it. She will be here at any moment. Isabeau Dragonway, my future wife. Will I like her? Will I tolerate her touching me? Will I tolerate having her kiss me, after I have been kissing Clary for years? I shivered at the thought of another woman touching me that is not my Clary. Thank the angels that Izzy and Alec are standing at my side and that Alec put his hand on my shoulder when he saw me shiver. If I could create a portal, I would portal myself to some isolated cabin in Siberia where no one can find me. The doors to the institute opened as two Shadowhunter walked out of a portal carrying luggage. Imogen stepped up next to me.

"Good morning, Imogen. I am here waiting for her just as you ordered me."

"Jace, when are you going to start to call me grandmother?"

"Are you kidding me? After the stunt you just pulled? How about never, Imogen!"

Alec, my parabatai and brother squeezed my shoulder as he chuckled at what I just said. 

"Jace, say the word and I will start shooting arrows at the portal while you make a run for it." Alec whispered.

"Now boys, give the woman the chance to make an appearance." Izzy said with a smile on her face. "Then shoot if Jace doesn't like her."

I saw the doors open again and a young woman walked in . "By the angel, she is beautiful." I  said before I realized that it slipped out of my mouth out loud. She was about my height with medium blond hair and the most amazing pale gray eyes that looked almost as wolf's eyes. She was in her full Shadowhunter gear with a seraph blade on each leg and a sword on her back. She was an amazing sight. I felt guilty after my reaction looking at her when my Clary just left only twelve hours ago. Izzy elbowed me and motioned for me to move forward to greet Isabeau.  I moved towards her and held out my hand as she walked towards me.

"Hello Isabeau. I am Jace Herondale. Welcome to the New York Institute." 

"Hi Jace. It is nice to finally meet you. I wished we would be meeting under different circumstances. I am so sorry." she whispered.

"Nonsense my dear." Imogen said as she hugged Isabeau. "I have arranged for the two of you to have lunch out on the terrace so that you and Jace can get better acquainted."

"Thank you, Imogen, that would be really nice. If someone could show me to my room, I can freshen up and get ready for lunch."

"Of course." Imogen replied and then looked at me.

"I will show you to your room. This way."

We both walked silently towards the sleeping quarters. My mind was in a total chaos. I felt like I was cheating on Clary just by walking next to this beautiful girl. Clary broke up with me  and told me to follow my duties so I guess it is not cheating. We arrived at her room and I opened the door for her. As she walked in, she hesitated and turned around to look at me. 

"Thank you, Jace, for being so kind. I really did not expect you to be here never mind waiting to greet me. I was told that you had a longtime girlfriend."

"Yes, I did, but she broke up with me. It was not because of this arrangement just, that we have been growing apart I guess. Besides it would have been rude of me not to be here to greet it."

"I am really sorry. This arrangement that our family made without talking to us, has been a strain on me. No offense, but I am not ready to be married and have a husband. I just want to be a soldier and do as I want when I want it."

"I will let you freshen up and pick you up in an hour. I am also sorry for this situation. I did beg Imogen to call this off but I guess grandmothers can be stubborn."

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