Chapter 10: Clary & Izzy

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Izzy went to look for Clary after leaving Jace. She was wondering what the hell she was doing here and what she wanted from Jace. He was married to a beautiful girl who loved him and were expecting their first child in a couple of months. She found Clary sitting on a bench at the greenhouse.

"Clary, what are you doing here? You show your face after a year and a half and expect for Jace to fall into your arms like nothing happened?

"This is not my intentions, Izzy. I saw him and I reacted because I still love him."

"What do you think this will do to him? It took him almost two years to make his life what it is today. He has a good wife that loves him and now he is excited that he is going to be a father and you show up. You need to leave the institute and most of all, leave Jace alone. You cannot get him back because he belongs to Isabeau. He is finally happy again, Clary, do not destroy that. You made your choice to leave him and the family you had. You cannot come back thinking that everything will be alright."

" I am so sorry you feel that way. Jace made it truly clear that he wants me to leave. I told him why I left but he does not want to hear it. I will be leaving in the morning. I thought you and I can visit for a while and maybe I get to see Simon again. I promise I will not make any trouble for Jace."

"That is fine. I have work to do at the office. I will call Simon and let him know you are here for one night and see if he wants to come and see you. I will see you later."

Izzy is so angry with me. I really thought she would be happy to see me, but I guess I cannot blame her. When I saw Jace, I did not even think that he was now married. I just wanted to be in his arms and feel his tight muscles around my body again. Up on the roof, he made me feel hope that I can have him again when he crushed his lips to mine. My heart broke into pieces when he pushed me away and told me that he loved his wife and now is expecting a child. That should have been our child, but I chose to leave him for that stupid vision that has not come as of yet. Should I fight for him? Should I try to get him back after I told him to go and get married without any interference from me? No, that is not like me to act this way. How can I think of taking Jace away from his wife and child? No, I must leave right away. I do not want to start trouble. I decide to go up to the roof again to think. Everyone should be in bed by now so it will be quiet for me. I walked up to the roof and push the door to find none other than Jace up there. I started to back away, but he turned around and saw me.

"Jace, I am sorry. I did not think anyone would be out here. I am leaving now."

"Stay, I want to talk to you. Why did you come back, Clary? Did you want to see me in agony? Do you want to see if I can resist you? To see if I still want you. What is the reason?"

"I never wanted to hurt you. I do not even know why I came. I guess I was hoping that you did not get married and I could win you back. That is why I ran into your arms when I saw you. My heart broke when your wife came, and I saw that she is pregnant. It has been two years so I should have known that you went on with your life like I asked you to."

"All I want is for you to tell me the truth you have kept secret for the last two years. No more lies, no more evasions, but the truth."

"Okay, I will tell you the truth. Months before Izzy and Simon's engagement, I started to have visions. At first, I thought they were dreams but they were not. In my vision, we are in Idris, at the Burrens. Jonathan had captured the both of us and had us bound. He had me at the edge of the cliff, feet away from you. At first, all I saw was a hooded figure, but one night, he finally lowered his hood to reveal himself. He looked at you and said, that he wanted you to feel what it felt to lose the woman you loved. At this, he pulled out a dagger and stabbed me in the heart while you were screaming my name. You were struggling to get lose and crawl to me, but you could not because you were too far away from me. You were begging him to let you get to me, but instead he pushed me off the cliff while you screamed my name.

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