Where it all begins

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A/N! PLEASE READ!! the first three chapters are going to explain Sirius and Marlenes relationship and why Alana, his daughter, hates him so much
ALSO, I know in the books that Marlene is not a pureblood but for this book she is. This book will NOT follow the plot of the HP books, but rather, have similarities. luv y'all xoxo

(Sirius's and the marauders last year at Hogwarts) 

"James! Look, Sirius is finally doing it!" Lily said pulling James Potter closer to the cold window and slowly intertwining their gloved hands to keep warm.

"What am I looking at?" James asked rather rudely.

"Sirius has finally grown big enough balls to talk to Marlene." Lily responded.

"Don't get your hopes up, her being a pureblood probably boosted his ego." James said disapprovingly, but Lily could tell he is still proud of his friend.

As Sirius walked up to the beautiful girl he couldn't help but notice her sitting alone and the bar.

"You look beautiful." Sirius blurted out. Beating himself up for the rookie mistake he just made, he was too nervous to even look her in the eye.

"I bet you say that to all the girls." Marlene responded with a smirk while never taking her eyes off her finger circling the rim of her empty butterbeer glass.

Sirius, now feeling more relaxed, slowly sat in the chair next to her. He only could manage a small head nod in disagreement to her claim. He couldn't string together enough words to explain how much he cared for her. He could feel himself melt into her welcoming, warm honey eyes. Being around her gave him the feeling of sitting around the fireplace with your family during the holidays, though he had never felt it before, he enjoyed it.

The two teenagers talked for hours that night. They only left because they needed to change into their robes for the days classes.

Lily rushed to potions class that morning, in attempt to catch Marlene at the door. Right as lily was about to give up and enter the cold classroom, she saw Marlene quickly walking towards her. Lily giggled to herself upon seeing that she still had the remnants of last nights make up on her face. Marlene shot Lily a sly smile and the two made their way to the farthest desk in the room, careful not to be overheard by Snape.

"You know," she whispered "you should be happy that a Black is interested in someone other then himself."

Marlene felt the heat rush to her check and couldn't help but smile. "I know" she quietly said back. "I am one lucky girl." The two girls giggled at their short conversation but it was cut short by Slughorn hitting both of their heads with a book.

As the year went on, Sirius and Marlenes relationship wasn't always perfect. Sirius never opened up about what he felt or where he was in the early morning hours. The first breakup wasn't terrible, there was the obvious hatred and sadness but after a week they fell right back into each other's arms. The second one was messy. Marlene was over all of the secrets that Sirius kept from her, she entered the Gryffindor common room screaming. This went on for months, until one day, there was a argument that filled the dorm. All of the children were silent, hoping to figure out what was happening in Sirius's room.

"It's only you Marley, all I see is you now." Yelled Sirius.


Everyone was inching closer to the staircase hoping to grasp every detail.

"Stop. You can't say that to me. It's not fair." Marlene's voice shook as she said this. Everyone knew he was her weak spot.

"Well if we weren't meant to be together," Sirius paused. "why did we fall in love?"

His voice still strong unlike Marlene who was lucky to get through a sentence without tears.

There was something different about this argument. Usually one of them storms out or Marlene would sleep with her friends in the Ravenclaw dorm. Something was keeping them together this time.

"Three more months." said Sirius weakly. His voice finally giving in and breaking.

"fine." Marlene said quietly, almost a whisper.

The students in the common room turned to each other with confusion plastered on their faces.

Three months.

School ended in three months. Still the question lingered, what is keeping them tied together until school ends?

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