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Hiiiii so this is like rlly long (3000+ words) so hope u like!!!!This is what took so long to update but pls lmk if you like the longer chapters or shorter chapters better! xoxo

Summer at the Burrow seemed to drag on endlessly for Fred. Alana taking up every corner of his mind, he could barely focus on his pranks with George, let alone his schoolwork. The whole Weasley family, Harry, and Hermione, all seemed to notice how Fred spent most of his days in a dream-like state. They all attempted to get him to spill what he was thinking of, but none of them got lucky.

After all of the packing was done, the children all piled into Ron's room for one last summer night, before they leave for school in the morning. Around one in the morning, George and Ginny snuck into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of firewhiskey. Giggling as they came back into the room, George insisted on pouring the shots. Before turning around to hand out the drinks, George sneakily grabbed a vial of veritaserum out of his pocket, and emptied it into all of the glasses, except his own. 

"Let's play a little game of truth or dare!" Said George with a sly smirk that made his look even more suspicious. 

The group agreed and went around the room spewing dares at each other, and begging for answers to their questions. When it was Fred's turn to pick, Ginny wasted no time and asked him, "Truth or dare?"

Knowing that his little sister would ask about Alana, the girl always on his mind, he reluctantly chose dare.

"Fine." Ginny said with a look of disappointment painted on her face. Suddenly, her face moved into a smile. "I dare you to tell us who you kept thinking about this whole summer." 

Fred tried to say something but he felt the unfightable urge to tell the truth. "nothi-, noth-, no-" 

The room went silent as they looked at Fred with confused looks. Fred still fighting his mouth from telling the truth. They decided that they really didn't care enough, so they kept going with the game.

"Alright," Hermione said matter-of-factly, "Harry, truth or dar-"

"Alana Black."

All eyes were back on Fred Weasley. 

"What?" Harry demanded impatiently.

"Her?" Hermione asked with a hint of disgust in her voice. "The one who spends all her time with Malfoy?" 

Fred remained silent, not breaking eye contact with the floor.

"Harry's bloody half-sister!" Cried Ron. "Was that why you ran out of the hall after her?" 

Fred shot a fiery glare at Ron. "They're not even related, and what's it to you if I did?" Not wanting to be in the room for any longer now, he stood up and stumbled to the door. Before he could reach the handle though, Ginny slid herself in front of him. 

Now knowing he had truth serum in him, she decided to ask him on last question.   

"Where did you go when you left the compartment on the train?" 

Fred, usually never serious, looked at Ginny with a plea in his eyes.

"Please, Ginny." He whispered. "Please don't do this."

"Where did you go Freddie?" George insisted.

Knowing that if he told them the basic truth, maybe not the whole truth, the serum wouldn't burn. He took a deep breath and slowly answered.

"She was easy, I knew she was into me. I saw that she was walking to the washroom and decided to make my move. She basically threw herself on me. It didn't mean anything, it was just a fuck." 

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