The last supper

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Authors note!!! Hi guysss, i'm sorry that i haven't been active recently, i really do appreciate all of the love and support y'all have been giving this book. I finished my today and hopefully if my mental health stays at this good place its at i'll be able to finish this book!! Don't worry though there are still LOTS of chapters coming and i rewrote the whole ending concept I had envisioned, so please stay until the end <3 love all of you guys endlessly xoxo!!!!

The weeks following Alana's return to Hogwarts, Draco tried to shut down every rumor that brainless students started. Even Pansy had been starting rumors, still angry over how Draco embarrassed her before leaving to save Alana.

Walking to Alana's room, Draco had gotten used to the stares. He usually shut them down, but recently he hadn't cared enough too. 

"What do you think you're doing?" Draco exclaimed at the fully dressed Alana standing in front of him through the doorframe. 

"It's the last feast before we leave for summer vacation tomorrow, duh." She responded with a sarcastic smirk. "I miss my friends."

"No," Draco put his hand out to stop her. "No way in hell are you going."

"Draco, stop." Alana said, "I can take the bloody rumors. It would almost be more suspicious if I didn't go."

Alana waited for a backhanded response. Draco just kept his cold glare, trying to convince her to stay wordlessly.

"They already think i'm faking my death by being locked in my room this whole time."

"Fine." Draco agreed, rolling his eyes. "Promise me you'll stay next to me though."

Failing to hold back a smile, Alana intertwined her pinky with Draco's.

"You haven't done that in a while," Draco remarked. "Smiled like that."

"Well I haven't seen people in a long time!" She giggled.

Punching Draco's arm softly, they left the room and headed towards the Great Hall.

In the hallway, Alana could feel countless eyes on her. Looking back at the people slowing down to look at her, she saw the only pair she cared about.


Almost as just looking at each other, they both felt a wave of relief after locking eyes. 

Their gaze was ended by Alana being pulled into the dining hall by Draco. By the time she could look back, Fred was already sitting at the Gryffindor table.

Sitting down at the Slytherin table, Draco wrapped his arm around Alana. Almost telling people not to ask questions, without speaking a word.

Dumbledore's speech felt like it went on for an eternity. Awarding Harry for the Triwizard Tournament, and toasting to Cedric's death. (Which shocked Alana, not knowing anything that happened this year for obvious reasons.)

After he finished, Dumbledore waved his wand and a grand feast appeared on the long oak tables. Before either anyone could even take a bite, a high pitched yelling broke out from the end of the Slytherin table.

"He's dead!" Pansy was rushing towards Alana with her wand held out. "Blaise is dead because of you!"

Draco and Alana quickly looked at each other, almost to ask 'what do we do?'

"Let's make it easy, i'll kill you right here." Pansy kept inching closer to the two. "And let's face it, no ones even gonna miss you here."

Instead of shooting a curse at Alana, Pansy grabbed her out of Draco's hold and dragged her onto the table, finally getting everyones attention. Pansy raised Alana's arm and tore her sleeve off, revealing the dark mark.

"Finally following in your little mommy's footsteps Lana!" 

No one in the whole hall spoke a word. So quiet you could hear a pin drop. Even the professors didn't dare to move an inch.

Draco tried everything he could to get to Alana, but one of his friends who was under the imperius curse by Pansy, held him back.

After minutes of stillness in the Great Hall, a small movement could be seen from the corner of Alana's eye. Two students from the far table were chair hopping, trying to get to where she was.

When they finally got into her line of sight, Alana could feel her body fill with the same feeling she had when she locked eyes with Fred earlier in the night. The two students who had come to her rescue were Fred and Lee. Alana saw them mouth '3...2...1...' and together shot a full binding curse at Pansy and Theo, causing the whole room to go into a wild panic.

After being freed, Alana tried to run to Fred but was once again, pulled out of the commotion by Draco. He lead her to Snape's classroom, where the professor was already waiting with floo powder, ready to help the two leave Hogwarts.

"Draco your mother is in hiding at your summer house," Snape paused for a second almost as if he was debating with himself. "Take care of Alana there, and don't let the Dark Lord know you are hiding there. I can keep them off your trail for maybe a month, but after that it's up to you both."

Alana grabbed Draco's hand as they both stepped into the fireplace. As soon as Draco threw the powder down, she could feel her stomach drop as they traveled to who-knows-where to hide for the summer.

When they felt the spinning stop Draco pulled Alana out and quickly muttered a spell to disconnect the fireplace from the floo network, for extra security.

"Mother won't be here." He muttered to Alana as he collapsed on the couch.

"What? why?" Alana couldn't understand why Narcissa wouldn't want to escape the manor.

"She only told Severus that she was in hiding so he'd send us here." Draco motioned for Alana to come lay next to him. "Before I left with you last time, she told me the location of this house, then erased it from her memory. So only I know where we are."

Alana sat not saying a word, too much had happened that night to argue about being in an unknown place.

"Promise you won't leave me Draco?" Alana said, feeling herself drift to sleep.

"Promise." Draco returned. Grabbing her hand in his

He sat still for a while, watching Alana sleep as tears filled his eyes. Slowly getting up and removing his hand from her soft hold, he walked over to the fireplace and reconnected it to the floo network. 

"I'm sorry." He whispered back at the sleeping Alana. And with that, he stepped into the fireplace. 

"Malfoy Manor." 


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