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As weeks went by Alana noticed Fred trying to talk to her in any way he could. She felt as if he was following her, then she remembered, he had the map.

After studying in the library for a while with Blaise, Alana decided that she wanted to go back to her room and get ready for bed.

"You want me to walk you back?" Blaise asked with a caring tone in his voice.

Alana never really liked many of Draco's friends, but she always had a soft spot for Blaise. He was just so nice to her, even though he was rarely nice to anyone.

"No, im fine. You stay here and finish your potions essay. Merlin knows you need that grade." Alana shot back with a giggle.

Rolling his eyes Blaise agreed with her and turned his head into his textbook again.

"See ya." Blaise said, with his eyes not coming off his blank parchment, as Alana walked out of the library.

Alana turned back to return a goodnight to him but she noticed that he was focusing on his essay and decided not to interrupt him.

Walking back to the Slytherin dorms, Alana felt someone following her. She started to quickly pick up her walking pace, so did the person behind her. Not thinking, Alana took the wrong staircase which led her to a dead-end in the hall. Though, she hadn't noticed yet because she was looking at the floor trying to calm herself down.

When she reached the wall Alana felt her stomach drop. In one quick motion, she pulled out her wand and turned around, her back now touching the wall.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Said the familiar voice. "I just wanna talk."

It was Fred.

"Leave me alone." Alana spat.

"Can we please just try to have a civil conversation about this." He pleaded. He needed to tell her that what he said wasn't the true way he felt about her.

"I think i'm being perfectly fucking civil." She protested.

"Please." Fred needed her to understand.

He couldn't live with himself after his friends and his own brother told the whole school what he said. He hated that girls would grimace at him in the halls, and guys would pat him on the back when they saw him.

Alana didn't understand why it was so hard for her to hate him. She knew she should never want to see him again, let alone talk to him. Still every time he would try to catch her eye in the hall, or even when she would drift off and think of them together, she felt happy.

He's just a person. Why does he make you so nervous? She thought to herself.

Alana looked into Fred's eyes. She wanted to forget everything and forgive him.

"What did I even mean to y-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Blaise had come up behind Fred.

"What are you doing here blood-traitor?" Blaise hissed.

Fred's eyes never left Alana's.

Before Fred managed to mutter an answer, Blaise shot a stunning hex at him.

"Come on." Blaise insisted, grabbing Alana's wrist to pull her away and back to their dorms.

"What was that for?" She whispered as she was trying to keep up with Blaise's fast walking.

"Just be glad it was me that found you, and not Malfoy." Blaise tightened his grip on Alana's arm. "If he were here, Fred would be more than just stunned."

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