Don't lie to me

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Hey guys we're almost at 10k reads which is INSANE!!! I'm going to try to update more often, school has gotten really busy for me but now during the holidays I have more free time and i'm going to update as much as possible <33

Draco paced in his room, deciding whether or not he should obey his mother. Each time he found himself about to stay for this break, his mind wondered to Alana. Was she at the manor? Were they hurting her? 

He heard his door creak open but didn't bother to turn around to see who it was, it didn't matter to him.

"Get out." He spat at the person who entered his now cluttered room. Draco had a habit of breaking and throwing things when he got flustered.

"Dray-" The voice paused. "Baby why are you still here? Shouldn't you be leaving for home?"

Draco cringed when he recognized the voice. Pansy Parkinson.

Rolling his eyes, he repeated himself. "Get out."

Pansy took too many steps towards him, and wrapped her arm around Draco's neck, making her way down to his toned chest with her free hand. Her actions, obviously trying to be seductive, ended up looking like a clumsy toddler clinging for balance.

"Stay here with me Draco, we could have the common room to ourselves." She whispered into his ear, causing him to cringe at the thought.

"I have to go home." He stated, as he pushed her off of him. "We're throwing a winter ball, Narcissa would kill me if I missed it."

Pansy's face dropped. An emotion unlike any he's seen on her flooded her face.

"I thought your parents were going away?" She snapped at him.

Draco froze. Unable to reason with himself on how she knew that.

"What did you say?" Draco seethed through his teeth at her.

"Well-" Pansy stuttered trying to backtrack on her previous statement. "They normally go on vacation so I just assumed they were leaving." 

Draco pushed her against his dresser with him wand aimed at her neck.

"We've known each other since first year. You of all people should know that we don't travel during Christmas." 

He tightened his grip on her arms.

"I also know when you lie." Draco was now only inches away from her face. "Don't lie to me ever again."

He released the shaking girl from his tight hold. She sank to the floor full of embarrassment.

"Where's Alana?" 

"What do you mean?" 

Draco pointed his wand at her head once again. 

"I can get over the fact you're working with my parents to keep me here," His tongue moved swiftly around his teeth. "But if you don't tell me where Alana is right now, I'll kill you."

Pansy suddenly had a sickening grin spread across her face. "Just like she killed your best friend?"

Draco's mouth clenched. He was doing everything he could to not kill Pansy on his dorm floor. "Just like that."

Slowly re-adjusting herself on the floor, Pansy gulped and answered him. 

"The manor." 

Not moving an inch Draco only spoke two words. 

"Leave. Now."

And with that Pansy scampered out of the room like a hurt puppy.

When he heard the door click behind him, Draco rushed to his bathroom. He was nauseous, but he didn't know what from. Was it how his best friend had been killed, or that Alana had been at his home the whole time and he didn't even realize, or that his parents had lied and hidden Alana from him? Either way Draco had made up his mind. 

He was going home today.


Draco would have normally disliked how empty the hallway was, but his mind was only focused on getting to Snape's office to get back home.

Once he reached the professor's door, Draco muttered an unlocking charm and made his way to the softly glowing fireplace. Grabbing the floo powder in his hand, Draco stepped into the fireplace, bracing for the sudden jolt about to come.

"Malfoy Manor."

With those words Draco found himself being thrown all around, ending with a thud, signaling he had arrived at his home. 

Stepping out Draco stumbled a few steps before regaining his balance and his snarl returning to his face. The home was eerily empty, he had never seen it like this before.

A scream cut through the silence.

Draco's stomach dropped at the sound. He ran, as fast as his legs could take him, looking through every room on the first floor. Then the second. As he reached the third, he saw his mother with her head in her hands. Narcissa's face was splotchy and tear-stained. 

Quickly, she wiped her face and tried to put on a collected look. "Why are you here, Draco?"

"Paris looks different." Draco seethed, he had rarely ever gotten mad at his mother.

"I was trying to protect you!" Narcissa firmly whispered. "You shouldn't have come. Please, leave."

Draco stayed where he was. "Where's Alana?"

Before Narcissa could answer, the door placed down the hall opened. Emerging out was Bellatrix, Lucius, and a few Death Eaters Draco didn't recognize. 

"You let father come back?" Draco couldn't even look at his mother. "After what he did to her?"

"She's very useful to the Dark Lor-"

"I don't give a damn what he wants!" Draco felt his fist slam into the wall.

A wand was suddenly pointed at Draco's pale neck. 

"Now, now Draco," The voice came from Bellatrix. "Don't disrespect our Lord again, or"

She paused, leaning closer and cackling in his ear. 

"Alana will be paying the price for your childish actions."

He felt his whole body stiffen at those words. Unable to move until the Death Eaters left the hall. After what felt like years, he finally gathered enough strength to walk into the dark room, no doubt where they left Alana.

Reaching out to open the cracked door, he expected to hear silent sobs or even whimpering, instead, when he walked in he saw something he would never forget.

Alana was expressionless. Like she had lost all hope. Her eyes were glossed over, her thin arms wrapped around her legs, huddled against a corner. Draco's eyes fell to her wand that was across the room from her, where she had thrown it in disgust of what it allowed to do, who it allowed her to hurt.

Draco had never been one to comfort someone else, but with Alana he couldn't just leave her like that. He slouched beside her, pulling her onto him. She loosened at his grasp.

"I'm here." Draco whispered while running his hand through her hair. "You can talk to me, or not, but i'm here."

Draco looked down at Alana, now asleep on his arm. She hadn't slept in days. Picking her up bridal style, he carried her back to the fireplace, needing to get her out of the manor.


Alana's Pov

When I woke up, I was in my bed at Hogwarts. I thought for a second everything that happened in the past week was just a bad dream, but then looking at my arm I knew it wasn't. The tally marks Bellatrix had carved into my arm, the same number of muggles they made me kill. 

Glancing over at my nightside table, I saw my wand. The same wand I had been so excited to get four years ago, now holds memories of death and torture. 

How would I tell Draco I killed his best friend? How would I sleep again? I can't sleep. I'm afraid i'll hear the screams that I caused.

I can't hear those screams again.

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